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  1. maingo

    Trying out my new Nikon D60

    Ok think I'm starting to get the hang of this thing, I don't have a tripod yet so getting close ups without blur is very hard.
  2. maingo

    Trying out my new Nikon D60

    Originally Posted by Markw Id love to see some more pics with that camera. Im trying to decide which one to get. Thanks, Mark Sure thing I just cleaned the tank will have some more soon.
  3. maingo

    My 75 Gallon Softie/LPS tank

    Me like alot!
  4. maingo

    hurricane preparedness!!!!

    I bought a 5KW generator just for my tank during hurrican season.
  5. maingo

    Trying out my new Nikon D60

    Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy 2nd shot is nice. What coral is that behind the fish? a gonipora? alvepora? xenia? Thats one of my toadstools, My tomatoe clown decided to host it. Its a trip to see what those guys pick as partners sometimes.
  6. maingo

    Trying out my new Nikon D60

    Me and my wife just got a new Nikon D60 and I played around with it alittle on the tank.
  7. maingo

    sand sifting gobies...

    Diamond Goby is by far the best sand shifter IMO.
  8. maingo

    Which Snail Is Best?

    If you sand is building algea then you don't have enough sand shifting action going on IMO. Look into a Diamond Gopy they spend all there time awake shifting sand. My turbos usually end up where ever there is something to graze be it sand rock or glass, which I have good sand movement going on...
  9. maingo

    Which Snail Is Best?

    Originally Posted by Kevin34 Well I started with 20 astraea, 20 nass, and 10 cerith in my 125. They are doing a pretty good job but some of the rocks and parts of the sand bed are starting to get pretty dirty so I think its time to get more snails. Which snails are best for eating hair algae...
  10. maingo

    How to move LR with softcorals attached to a new tank??

    I had to do a move like this about a year ago and what i did was took 50% of my water in the old tank and added it to the new tank I moved everything that night with no ill effects. I just left everything attached to the LR you woun't really have a new cycle if you use a good chunk of your other...
  11. maingo

    what overflow size works well with quiet one 2200?

    email me at about this, we can't talk other sites on this board.
  12. maingo

    jam marine reef tank

    Love it!!
  13. maingo

    How to move LR with softcorals attached to a new tank??

    Originally Posted by Fish Freak2012 Im not new to the hobby so i know i have to let the tank cycle before i add the other cridders.but thanx for the advice,im sure it will come in not transfering the things for a while. No offense but why did you ask this question then?
  14. maingo

    Protien Skimmer??

    it can take up to 5-7 days to fully break in.
  15. maingo

    Large Angel in reef tank?

    Just wondering if anyone has had any luck with large Angels in a reef tank and if what kind.
  16. maingo

    what overflow size works well with quiet one 2200?

    A 2200 with a 5ft head will pump out about 350gph A 600gph rated overflow is all you need for this rate of return. You can always overkill the overlow but what you never want to do is have a pump that pushs more water in the tank then your overflow can take out. And to answer your question yes...