Search results

  1. finland

    Bad algae ... what to do?

    IMO your cleanup crew looks ok. I like astrea snails for cleaning the glass and LR. First, you have to figure what is supplying the nutients for the algae. Phosphates? Also, do you use RO water. Brown on the sand is probably diatoms. They are usually caused by high silicates in the water. How...
  2. finland

    Figi ban lifted?

    I just recieved an e-mail/ad from an online vendor stating that the CITIES paper work has gone thru and the ban on figi lr has been lifted. Something along those lines anyway. Can any one else confirm this.
  3. finland

    reef fish suggestion : favorite fish vote

    I vote for the yellow headed jawfish.Really cool fish. For color, I would go with a flame angel.
  4. finland

    OT: The Best Public Aquarium?

    I have been to the Aquarium of America, in New Orleans, and The Shedd Aquarium in Chicago. I really liked both of them
  5. finland

    feeding a bubble coral

    I usually use a turkey baster to feed brine and mysis shrimp. Any small meaty food is usually eaten by my bubbles. Mine also will eat smaller silversides.
  6. finland

    Need some help

    1) If you have just southdown and LR in the tank, and some one is there to top off for evaporation, then I don't see a problem. 2) I don't know if adding a shrimp will speed up the process, but it will give it a harder cycle. This is a good thing 3)I would definately wait a while for the tank...
  7. finland

    Finally getting along

    A while ago I bought a hippo tang to replace one that my anemone ate. Well, he was not welcome at all, by my brown tang. In fact the brown tang put some nasty gashes in the side of the smaller hippo. I rearranged the rockwork and corals to try changing territories but that did not work. I ended...
  8. finland


    What are you feeding your sfe right now. The reason I ask, is because I have had a sfe for 2 years, and I have fed him a seafood mix I buy from an oriental food store. Recently I purchased some silversides for something different for the eel. He doesn't touch them. He grabs them and then spits...
  9. finland

    Red alage in fuge

    I have the same condition in the fuge and the display is clean. I have always chalked it up to the low flow. It has been that way for quite awhile and hasn't spread to the display, so I am not to concerned.
  10. finland

    Tissue separation??

    That's just it. I can't find anything really bad about the water. pH is 8.3, Alk3.2, Ca 400-450, ammo 0, trite 0, trates <10, water temp80, 20% water change/ mo with RO. I have had corals with tissue recession, and this is different. It is like the coral is shedding off the skeleton, without...
  11. finland

    Tissue separation??

  12. finland

    water quality

    With an upgrade in lighting, this is sometimes normal. There is an excess of nutrients in the water, and with the better lighting, the cyano and algae bloom. What are your test reading(nitrates, phosphates). Do a series of small water changes, and increase circulation in the areas of the cyano...
  13. finland

    Tissue separation??

    I have a couple LPS that the tissue is separating from the skeleton. It is on a large bubble coral and a brain coral. The tissue isn't receding, but is actually separating. The brain coral completely separated and is floating around the tank. It is inflated like it is still attached, but the...
  14. finland

    Algae on Glass

    I use a mag float and it works good. For the more stubborn algae, I use a clean razor blade and it works great. IMO the razor isn't in the tank long enough to cause problems,(heavy metals). I have found out that I need a new razor every time, because they rust up after being dunked in the salt.
  15. finland

    In need of Southdown

    I don't know where Moorehead is in Minnesota, but if isn't too far from Wisconsin, you could take a road trip to Wausau, WI. They sell southdown. JP, yes, southdown is playsand, but so are a handfull of other silica base brands.
  16. finland

    blue vs brown tang

    Well the closest body style I could come up is a Kole tang. It is very similar to a couple pics I found. The fish I have is very light tan, with faint, thin vertical stripes. From a distance it looks solid light brown. Also, it has a little yellow in its eyes. Most pics I have seen of a Kole...
  17. finland

    blue vs brown tang

    Aquarious,my brown tang is not a powder brown tang. I just did a search for the correct name, and couldn't find a thing other than "brown tang"(with no pic). It was sold to me as a brown tang. Now it is bugging me that I can't find a pic on the internet. Found a pic of just about every tang...
  18. finland

    You know you have an aptasia problem when...

    When your live rock looks like it is growing brown hair! I have had aptasia on snails too!(@%#^)
  19. finland

    blue vs brown tang

    I used to have a hippo tang and a brown surgeon tang together in my 150. They got along just great Well, my hippo became lunch for my carpet anemone. I have remedied the problem with my killer anemone, so I just purchased another hippo tang. Now my brown tang is picking ruthlessly on the hippo...
  20. finland

    caulerpa/ mangrove in tank ?? Can I

    I don't know about other people, but I keep the caulerpa in a refugium because it would end up taking over the tank. It grows like crazy and the roots get in the lr and spread. Soon the number of plants would be overwhelming. Someone else probably has other reasons for keeping it in a refugium...