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  1. finland

    Interesting observation

    Oops, It is not what I say, it's what I mean.:D I fixed it.
  2. finland

    Where to buy small overflow for a fuge?

    No actually it is my yellow lab. She has a thin head for a lab but sometimes she has the temperament of a dobberman.:D
  3. finland

    green water

    Shane, That is why I asked if you had colored gravel or decorations that could have leached dye. It would be hard for me to believe that you would have an algae bloom only after 4 days of setting up the tank. I suppose it is possible if you have a source of nutients in the water, but 4 days...
  4. finland

    Interesting observation

    At least I thought it was kind of interesting. Earlier this evening I decided to kalk a couple aptasia. One aptasia was huge. I nuked him with a big glob of kalk paste, he did the shrivel up thing. Because he was so big I decided the let the kalk stay on him until morning. Well after lights out...
  5. finland

    Where to buy small overflow for a fuge?

    If all you want is a refugium, just use a smaller return pump. I never heard of an overflow rated for only 100gph, just get a smaller overflow(300gph), which would be over kill for what you are using it for, but it will only let water drain thru at whatever your return pump is pumping back into...
  6. finland

    Reef requirements

    If you are not planning on adding corals, you can use normal output flourescent. You will get better coralline growth with higher intensity lights such as vho or pc, but it is not needed with a fish and lr tank. Vho or pc also make the tank look nicer IMO.
  7. finland


    What type of fish do you have. If you have a tang, you might have a bit of trouble with it eating the caulerpa before it gets established. Another drawback with caulerpa,if you don't have a herbavore, it can grow out of control and need consant trimming in the showtank. I like the way...
  8. finland

    painting tank

    Yeah, I agree with Timo. Paint would be better because of the salt creep. It is a hassle always cleaning the white spots, As far as color, I like a dark blue or black.
  9. finland

    green water

    When you say "gravel", do you mean crushed coral or colored gravel? If it is colored gravel, that could be a source of the green water. I don't know if your filtration would have anything to do with the green water, since it has only been up for a few days. I would look for other reasons. Any...
  10. finland

    stubborn aiptaisa

    Make the kalk into a thick paste and squirt it into the hole with a syringe, more or less filling the hole. It will kill the aptasia. After a day or so, use a turkey baster to blast out the kalk. The kalk will have a hard shell after a day, but use the baster to poke a hole in the shell and...
  11. finland

    VHO vs PC

    Well, I guess that is why I asked. I didn't realize pc had much better light penetration then vho. I figured they were similar per watt. I have pc and I do like the actinics. I do admit though, vho actinics are a little nicer on looks. Now I will have to rethink what I am going to do. Thanks to...
  12. finland

    VHO vs PC

    That is pretty much what I was thinking. I think I will switch the pc's over to vho and use the pc's on another tank. Thanks for the input.
  13. finland

    VHO vs PC

    There have been a few posts lately that have got me thinking. Right now I have 2 250w 10k ushios and 4 96watt pc(2 actinic and 2 10k's). I am going to add a 400w halide before I take the sps plunge. What I am curious about is which have better light penetration, pc's or VHO, or are they similar...
  14. finland

    Overflow and pump

    A mag 9 would be fine. You may want to add a ball valve on the return line tone down the return, just in case it is too much for the overflow. It should be ok though. Rio pumps sometimes don't seem to hold up as well as others. I have no experience with them, but that is what I have read. I use...
  15. finland

    the levels (low Cal and dKH)

    I would suggest dosing with calcium and a buffer to raise the levels to where you want it. Raise the levels slowly, and after you have reached the desired levels, start dripping Kalk to maintain those levels. There is a lot of threads on this topic, so you can do a search to get more info from...
  16. finland

    Pale corals...

    Have to ask a few questions. What type of corals?? How old are the lights? The lights you have should be ok for softies and some LPS. How far from the water are the lights? If all the lighting questions are good, then I would look at water quality. What are your test readings. How often do you...
  17. finland


    The wattage of the bulb, has nothing to do with the spectrum of a bulb. A 40watt bulb can be many different spectrums. The higher the "K" rating of a bulb, the bluer it will apppear and the lower the K rating, the more yellow looking it will be. What are you planning on doing with the tank...
  18. finland

    frozen shrimp

    When the shrimp starts to decay, ammonia is a byproduct. Bacteria start growing in the tank that convert ammonia to nitrites.Then another bacteria converts the nitrites to nitrate. That is why people use dead shrimp to start the nitrogen cycle going. You can leave it in there for a few days...
  19. finland

    To much moisture inside stand.

    Is it possible to some how mount some sort of ventilation fan on the side of the stand? Maybe mount a fan on one side and put a vent on the other side, to allow the air to be pushed out by the fan. Some carpentry work would be involved. I never had the problem, but that is what I would do to...
  20. finland

    Free Package to the 100th post

    Boy, did I miss the boat on this one. Only 50 posts too late!