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  1. theishkid

    Xinia Problem.

    pulsating xenia have been know to stop pulsing for one reason or another. It doesn't mean that anything is necissarily wrong they just sometimes stop. Mine pulsed for about 3 months after I got them then stopped. About 3 or 4 months later they started right back up again.
  2. theishkid

    Computer software

    Hey I just wonder if anyone here knows of any Apple aquarium software other than Macquarium? Like tracking your levels and such. Anybody know of anything?
  3. theishkid

    why aren't they more active?

    hey sjohnston... where abouts in OK do you live? I wouldn't worry too much about your clowns. Mine did the same thing. THey camp out in the top right side of the tank. They did this for a looooooooong time. Give it time and they'll eventually start playing around. Also... where do you sit in...
  4. theishkid

    Tank mates for clownfishes?

    I don't know about the best... but I had a Yellow tang and a Blue regal tang in the same tank with my two (nemo) clowns. They never bothered each other.
  5. theishkid

    Flame Angel in a reef?

    Mine never bothered anything. I had a cleaner shrimp in there and it didn't touch it. Actually the cleaner would just clean the FA. I wouldn't worry too much. I've got all different types of corals xenia, leathers, brain, and it never messed with any of them.
  6. theishkid

    Coraline Algae Question?

    Hey Razor... I have the same type of leather you do from the picture above. Mine is dark around the base too and getting worse. Do you know what this is and if it's bad? The thing about mine is it's really tall and about half way up it has attached itself to another rock. From there up it looks...
  7. theishkid

    Live rock, Live sand, conditioner and other stuff...

    hey mujtba that is really really expensive for saltwater. Here in Oklahoma (as long as you have your own 5 gallon jug (available at most local fish stores)) you can fill up a 5 gallon jug for about 4-6 bucks depending on where you go.
  8. theishkid

    reef tanks???? pros, please help.. (Part 2)

    Well they closed the other thread so I'll restart it here... yes fiji LR is the same as LR. fiji is just where they get the rock at (I think that's right). The differences in the LR is how pourous they are, how heavy they are, things like that. Ok as promised I did research on the protein...
  9. theishkid

    The coolest tang ever !

    how much do they sell them for? THis dude wouldn't even give me a price. He said they wouldn't sell it to a customer since it has a 90% chance of dieing. I don't want one, I've learned my lesson with tangs. Just curious if they are cheaper or more expensive than a grown up.
  10. theishkid

    The coolest tang ever !

    The coolest one i saw was about 2 days ago. They had a baby blue regal tang. I swear to god this thing was no bigger than a dime. It was the cutest thing i've ever seen. I asked how much they wanted for it but they said it wasn't for sale since they usually die when they are this young. But one...
  11. theishkid

    Coraline Algae Question?

    Hey razor wouldn't he want to add some calcium?
  12. theishkid

    reef tanks???? pros, please help..

    Well I'll be completly honest here but DO NOT follow in my footsteps. Starting out I used tap water to fill the tank. I didn't know this was a BIG NO NO. Go to your local fish store and buy your water there. You will want to buy 3 or 4 5 gallon jugs. I have 2 with fresh RO/DI water and 2 with...
  13. theishkid

    Octopus mercatoris

    how much do these things go for? They aren't reef safe are they?
  14. theishkid

    crabs and anemones

    You should be able to. I put two emerald crabs in last week. Everyone told me I should be fine.
  15. theishkid

    anemone closed

    gave it mysis yesterday. he hung on to it for a while but I'm not sure if he sucked it in cause I had to leave.
  16. theishkid

    anemone closed

    see mine has never closed up this long either. My lighting is good, it's been under the same light and has grown in the past year. But ever since I added this new shrimp it's almost like the shrimp hinds underneath the anemone. Ever since I added the shrimp the anemone acts like it is pissed off...
  17. theishkid

    reef tanks???? pros, please help..

    Hey Magic do you really lose 2 gallons a day? on my 46 I don't lose a full gallon a week.
  18. theishkid

    reef tanks???? pros, please help..

    see that's what i remember. i was tolld you dont need one unless you see the film on top. and i never see film.
  19. theishkid

    anemone closed

    My BTA has closed up all of a sudden. It's been closed for 2 and a half days now. It's kind of starting to worry me. I think the new shrimp I got is bugging him... But wouldn't he move if he was being pissed off by the shrimp? What should I do?
  20. theishkid

    reef tanks???? pros, please help..

    Those picture are wicked cool... I realize the problem I am having... I think it's the same one that a lot of people have. My way is best and nothing else is better. How do I know that my way is right? Well I don't but because it's MY way it's the best. I think a lot of people here may have not...