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  1. sean48183

    Mega-Powerful Nitrate and Phosphate Remover Replaces Skimmer, Refugium, Everything

    Alright I'm in. Little tank info 1 and 1/2 year old 150g on main floor with 90g sump(half of this is fuge) in basement octo 300 recirc skimmer Lots of greedy eating and pooping machine fish about 10 patches of hardy a$$ corals ph 8.3 temp 81 alk 3.3 meq/l calcium 400ppm Here's the...
  2. sean48183

    my new blue throat

    Wow and a good size!
  3. sean48183

    Girlina4x4's Tank Switcharoo (65 reef!)

    Sounds good. Can't wait to see some pics. I hope everything is a little smoother sailing for you. Just checking but did you drill that hole in your siphon line? Just make sure you do and check it for crud everyonce in a while so it doesn't get blocked. Sounds like you also got most of your stock...
  4. sean48183

    Blonde Naso now Black Naso?

    Try formula 2 flakes and turnip greens from the grocery store on a seaweed clip. Mine didn't really take to dried seaweed for a few months. The dark color will last for about a 2 weeks or so. Nothing to worry about. Mine still does it from time to time and he is a year old.
  5. sean48183

    Blonde Naso needs help

    Main thing here is to get him eating. Try feeding 2-3 small meals a day trying to get him to eat. Naso's are finicky eaters at first so this can be tricky. Mine only liked turnip greens(on a seaweed clip) from the grocery store and formula 2 flakes at first. Try this and live brine shrimp which...
  6. sean48183

    Large Hermit Crab Question

    Try feeding him some squid or shrimp every couple days. Plus they are mostly nocturnal anyway so he may be out mostly at night.
  7. sean48183

    Large Hermit Crab Question

    Could be molting or a fish could be picking at him
  8. sean48183

    PBT attack

    Originally Posted by -Tara33- pbt are very aggresive once established and has his own territory, they really should be the last fish put in a tank, he may think the 100g tank is all his territory and the mandarin is such a peicefull fish and shouldnt be put with aggressive fish, what other...
  9. sean48183

    Sea hare experiment

    I have in the past but I believe my main problem is nitrates. It's the fish crap more than uneaten food. There is never any uneatin food in my tank.
  10. sean48183

    Sea hare experiment

    Originally Posted by meowzer Again..with this...Have you found your algae cause....Mine was caused by new lights, and small amount of phosphates...I added a phospure pad to my filter, and am doing good water changes with ro/di water (was using tap) and my hair algae has almost vanished. Yeah I...
  11. sean48183

    Sea hare experiment

    Tried 20 of them. Never touched the stuff. Moved all around the stuff but never touched it. Like I said I tried every type of snail you can think of-Astrea(great glass cleaners), Turbos, Bumble bees and some I don't even know what they were. NONE OF THEM EVER TOUCHED IT. Hair Algae that grows in...
  12. sean48183

    Hair Algea?

    I justed started a thread on a sea hare. Going to document if this thing really works. Every critter that has ever been recommended to eat hair algae has been a failure and mostly starved. This guy is supposed to be the end all be all of hair algae munchers so we shall see. So far day 3 and he...
  13. sean48183

    Sea hare experiment

    Well day 3 and no change in algae. He is now behind the rocks. I can see him but can't get to him. Haven't seen the lunar mess with him but am beginning to wonder if he is picking at him behind the scenes. The eel swam right up to him and looked at him for about 5 seconds then took off. Just...
  14. sean48183

    How Big is Too Big?

    Yeah feed it some scrap shrimp or squid every few days. IMO the bigger ones are more meat eaters than algae eaters. Great cleaner uppers. Mine just recently disappeared. Had him for around a year and was as big as your buddies but I think my snowflake finally got him. My next one will have to be...
  15. sean48183

    taller or longer????????????

    Like Bray said longer is better. Most fish like tangs and wrasses will do alot of swimming back and forth.
  16. sean48183

    Sea hare experiment

    Originally Posted by canareef I had one that looked exactly like this guy and he was unreal. He ate some much so fast he ate himself out of a job. We shall see. So far nothing.
  17. sean48183

    Sea hare experiment

    Lots of big pooping machines that get fed a whole lot and to small a fuge which I am going to upgrade when I get a little cheddar.
  18. sean48183

    Clownfish Laid Eggs

    I don't know how often they'll spawn but is some good natural food for the other guys in your tank.
  19. sean48183

    Sea hare experiment

    The Sea hare - supposedly the number one hair algae eating machine out there. Well we are going to see. Bought one from my lfs to help with a nasty hair algae outbreak. Going to document if there is any improvement. Here is this freaky looking dude. Here is the tank with hair algae all over...
  20. sean48183

    Lunar Wrasse Reef Safe?

    Coral Safe except for not epoxied or glued down. Will turn over in never ending search for food. No shrimp, crabs, snails, starfish, etc. Will not eat small fish. I have small damsels, psuedo's, dwarf angels. Not really part of their diet. IMO way more entertaining than any shrimp or crab that...