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  1. sean48183

    Gold Stripe Maroon Clownfish - Aggressive!

    Originally Posted by marineang Maybe if you mated her up, she'd fall in love and leave everyone else alone? Ha ha she'd probably do a praying mantis and rip his head off. I have actually heard that clowns in pairs and/or in anenomes are 10x worse. I have a pair of ocellaris that are just hang...
  2. sean48183

    Gold Stripe Maroon Clownfish - Aggressive!

    Nah He's not going anywhere. He's been around about 3 years and has always done this. Really the other fish don't suffer any damage just him. Everybody gets chased evenly so it isn't just one target. If he was just targeting say my Naso then I would probably chuck him in the sump. I just wanted...
  3. sean48183

    Gold Stripe Maroon Clownfish - Aggressive!

    Here are some pics of hannibal. I am a terrible pic taker with a terrible camera and my tank is filthy so take it easy on me. First him in his cave that no one is allowed to come within a foot of. Tried to get close up of teeth here but just came out blurry. Here's him attacking lunar. Notice...
  4. sean48183

    Gold Stripe Maroon Clownfish - Aggressive!

    I'll try to get an up close shot tonight and post it. Must have had a pretty rough night because he's good and beat up today but still chasing relentlessly.
  5. sean48183

    green stuff everywhere

    Hair algae is both a curse and blessing all in one. It makes your tank look nasty but puts O2 in your tank and chews up phosphates and nitrates like no other. Like Snake blitz said the idea is to get it to grow somewhere beside your display tank. A long shallow tank with intense 65k light on it...
  6. sean48183

    mean clown fish

    An ocellaris attacking you? That is a pretty mean one. I have a pair and they are big sissies. They are kept with bigger fish so that might keep them chilled out. My large tomato on the other hand is a nightmare
  7. sean48183

    Gold Stripe Maroon Clownfish - Aggressive!

    You have a maroon in a nano? A bit cramped for a fish with an attitude. Do you have any other fish in there? I have a large tomato in a 150g and he chases everything constantly. He is pretty large now and has nasty teeth hanging all out of his mouth. Didn't know they get teeth like that. He has...
  8. sean48183


    Yeah he packs in the shell with only his head sticking out the bottom. Must coil his body all up in the shell. I'll try to post a pic of it.
  9. sean48183

    How About SailFin Tang, Blonde Naso, Dwarf Angel?

    Is this tank 6' long and 18" wide? By both the sailfin and naso small to medium size and you will be ok for a long time. I bought my sailfin around 3" 4 years ago and he is only 7" now. My Naso I bought around 4" a year ago and he is only 7". I feed heavy and they still grow slow. They also...
  10. sean48183

    Attentions All Dwarf Angel Owners

    I have a yellow and a rusty that I keep with soft corals and a hammer coral and they have never touched them. Can speak for sps though.
  11. sean48183

    For Tessalata Lovers - pic

    If that video doesn't play as soon as you bring it up click advance underneath it and that should do it.
  12. sean48183

    For Tessalata Lovers - pic

    That dude reminds me of this dumba$$ feeding this green moray.
  13. sean48183

    French Angel Medium Size

    I believe french's are the biggest angel you can get. I've seen some in the wild that are absolutely huge. He would probably be alright for quite some time but may need a bigger tank somewhere down the road. Also I doubt that it will eat your cleaner.
  14. sean48183

    raccoon butterfly

    Will mostly definately eat aptasia as anenomes are it's primary diet in the wild as well as coral polyps. If you have a fish only tank will be a great addition. Beware though if you have any clownfish for butterflies are there mortal enemies.
  15. sean48183

    Changing Color

    I have a 3 year old one and he does it all the time when someone walks up to the tank or at night. Why does everyone hate damsels so much?
  16. sean48183

    Red Emperor Snapper

    Another couple months and we might have to get the deep sea rods out.
  17. sean48183

    Small Pair of Crosshatches

    Awsome can't wait to see them in the DT.
  18. sean48183

    125g stock list questions???

    I have a naso, sailfin and hippo in a 150g. They have all been together over a year. They get along fine and have plenty of swimming room but do dookie alot. Constantly picking at the rocks and seaweed selects and letting it rip. So bioload is a problem. I use a big skimmer and fuge to knock...
  19. sean48183

    Good news/bad news...

    I've had three do it. A firefish that literally landed 10ft across the room. Stepped on his little dried up carcass. Sealed up tank good except for smallest opening with hob skimmer and tomato clown jumped out. Sealed it even better and eel climbed out right in front of my wifes friends. After...
  20. sean48183

    my 150 fowlr

    Looks pretty good. If you can add a refugium somewhere that will really help scrub your water. You won't have to buy as much rock then. You might also want to throw some backing on the tank. Maybe just some blue paper or something. It's funny to see a little snowflake like that. Mine was that...