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  1. sean48183

    Your favorite reef on

    I think I have to vote for frenzel. The cup corals growing on the overflow-sick! You never won TOTM on reefcentral. What's up with that. Everybody else has sweet tanks too though. The lack of fish in these tanks disturbs me a little but I have a fish sickness!
  2. sean48183

    240g FOWLR Community

    Wow a yellow tang satan. Just goes to show each fish does have it's own personality. It's funny how those 4 stripes get a bad wrap but mine is a sissy. Everybody picks on him even my purple psuedo. I think I might cut my feeding schedule back to once a day and twice every other day and see if...
  3. sean48183

    Skimmer help please...

    First off what size tank , what kind of fish, and how do you feed? A skimmer is absolutely necessary for a fowlr type tank more so than even a reef with limited fish. A skimmers main function is to get out fish crap and rotting food before it turns to ammonia then to nitrates. Your skimmer is...
  4. sean48183

    220 FOWL Tank Diary

    That hide and seek won't last to long with that guy. No problems with too much ph unless you were going bonkers with some kind of buffer or calcium reactor. I also leave my fuge light on all the time. Happy holidays and happy reefing.
  5. sean48183

    Nitrates going down?

    Coraline won't eat up nitrates but is a good sign your tank and base rock is maturing. Brown algae and green hair algae consume nitrates at a very rapid pace so could be something there. I grow alot of hair algae in my fuge. What ever you are doing- keep doing it and happy reefing.
  6. sean48183

    Nitrates going down?

    Sorry meant nitrates. Was just talking ph on another thread. Just out of curiousity do you have any algae growing any where in these tanks? In the 75g I would say the live rock is converting the base rock to live rock and helping knock down your nitrates but in the 20 you have no live rock...
  7. sean48183

    220 FOWL Tank Diary

    Tank looks great and I like the new additions. That niger will make for an interesting 'pet' when he starts to get big and comfortable. That brown stuff is just some kind of brown algae and is growing where you want it -in the fuge. I agree with kj on the powerheads. Too much. Also agree with...
  8. sean48183

    Skimmer for 125

    Recircs do circulate the water thru but depending on the recirc pump and the flow thru your skimmer from your main feed it can be way more than 2 times. Also creates alot of turbulence in the tube making the bubbles contact more water and forcing more crud to the surface. My octo recirc 300 is...
  9. sean48183

    240g FOWLR Community

    Nitrates at 0. Very nice. How often do you feed? On my old 55g I used to run at 0ppm but am having trouble on my 150g keeping it down even with a 90g sump with a massive fuge and octo recirc -300 skimmer. Also curious how that maroon is on temperment? I have a 4 year old tomato clown that is...
  10. sean48183

    Nitrates going down?

    What is in the tank and how often are you feeding? What is your other filtration? Do you have a fuge? Sometimes it is normal for ph to go down at first in a new tank then go back up as time goes on.
  11. sean48183

    Please Help

    Originally Posted by wattsupdoc OK, first of all...SLOW DOWN...OK? Secondly, the PH being between 7.8 and 8.0 is not an issue....Your PH will naturally shift throughout the day. Small gradual shifts are not an issue. Buffering for PH should not be done IMO. Ph between 7.8 and 8.0 is absolutely...
  12. sean48183

    240g FOWLR Community

    Upgrade the skimmer or return? I use a mag 18 for my return from my basement sump to my display upstairs but it is a drain on the electric bill. I think it might be a bit much for the skimmer. How are those nitrates running that wet/dry? I use a large fuge instead of a wet/dry but my nitrates...
  13. sean48183

    240g FOWLR Community

    What kind of filtration you running on that bad boy? Tank looks really clean.
  14. sean48183

    My 50g mixed reef(pics)

    Nice tank. Did those nems all split from one? Also what does mixed reef mean? Predator type fish with corals, sps and soft corals? I hear all the time but not sure what it means?
  15. sean48183

    240g FOWLR Community

    Great looking tank with sweet mix of fish. How is the aggression on the wrasse? My lunar has some issues with new tankmates. Killed a 7" emperor I added about 6 months ago and have been a little nervous to add anything since. Tried to catch him a bunch of ways and ain't gonna happen. Also are...
  16. sean48183

    Unicorn Tang

    Buy one on the smaller side and should be fine for a long time.
  17. sean48183

    Please help me pick my next fish...

    Originally Posted by -Tara33- is there EVER a last fish! lol No!
  18. sean48183

    Please help me pick my next fish...

    Sounds great. Should be a sweet addition.
  19. sean48183

    Please help me pick my next fish...

    What about a 3 pack? I always add my fish in 3's to spread out the aggression. Maybe go with the snapper, achilles and a emporer angel. Just a thought.
  20. sean48183

    Please Help

    Get that ph up. And add buffer to all water top off. I use seachem 8.3 which raises both alk and ph and helps keep everything steady. Marine critters are real sensitive to ph problems. Ps don't bother with the drip method. I use a turkey baster -take about a 1/4 of the water out of the bag and...