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  1. sean48183

    Stocking volume

    Nice list but in a 240g you don't want at least a couple whopper size fish. I would think a couple of 12" fish cruising around with the small fish would be pretty cool.
  2. sean48183

    Feeding Damsels???

    Not to aggressive in my tank either except for the tomato clown which is kind of a damsel I guess. I feed twice a day about a medium portion. They will survive on once a day but won't grow much which may be a good thing depending on the size of your tank.
  3. sean48183

    I am very mad right now

    Good idea and good luck with new additions. Eggcrate is great though it does diminish the lighting somewhat because it tends to direct the light straight down then letting it spread out over your entire tank. IMO it is well worth it though to keep your fish from carpet surfing.
  4. sean48183

    I am very mad right now

    Any fish can jump so if you have an opening in your tank you shouldn't keep any fish not just triggers
  5. sean48183

    How many times a day you feed your fish

    Yeah I feed turnip greens from the grocery store. $.89 cents for a crap load and my naso and hippo tear them up. Have shown remarkable growth since I started feeding them about 6 months ago. Way more nutritional value then romaine and way more digestable. Check out this link...
  6. sean48183

    Lunare Wrasse questions

    Probably a wise descision but could be a reason to start up that big ole predator tank you've been thinking about.
  7. sean48183

    Lunare Wrasse questions

    I have a 7" one that I have raised up since it was about 2". Awsome fish and pretty laid back as far as fish that are already in the tank. New additions are rough but I keep him with percula clowns, chromis, 2 dwarf angels, some damsels, big tangs and he does not bother them. He did kill a 8"...
  8. sean48183

    Raccoon vs Ricordea

    Their diet in the wild is mostly corals and anenomes so pretty much any coral is on the menu.
  9. sean48183

    How many times a day you feed your fish

    I feed 2 medium size portions a night. The amount it takes to disappear in about a minute or less as well as one sheet of seaweed selects and turnip greens. I do have a huge skimmer and fuge to help keep nitrates down though.
  10. sean48183

    your most expensive fish

    I was afraid to look on this thread and see what some of you guys are paying out there but it turns out I spent the most so far. $150 for a medium adult size emperor that my lunar killed within 4 days.
  11. sean48183

    Skimmer for 125

    I have the octopus-recirc 300. I have a 150g with a 90g sump and it does great. Paid around $340.
  12. sean48183

    Snowflake Moray - 2yr growth pics

    That is one bad a$$ dude. Great pic and thanks for sharing.
  13. sean48183

    2 Tang Questions

    Yes Naso's can be tough to get to eat. Mine was a struggle and eats everything now but I believe these fish absorb very little from meaty items like sailfins and hippos do. If mine is not fed seaweed selects and turnip greens everyday he will start to get a pinched belly even if fed plenty of...
  14. sean48183

    New Juvi Queen Angel

    Very cool. That is great being able to catch your own goodies like that.
  15. sean48183

    Flakes vs Pellets

    I use pellets now but had used flakes for years. Now that my fish have gotten bigger they make a mess splashing at the top of the water trying to get the floating flakes. Like Stanlalee said just drop in a few at time and let them gobble them up. Sometimes the pellets still float though and my...
  16. sean48183

    sohal v. hippo tang

    Originally Posted by kjr_trig Given the right sized tank and adding them in appropriate order it is very possible for these fish to coexist. I agree with this assessment but I think the majority of people on here are not working with the approriate size tanks to make this possible and make the...
  17. sean48183

    sohal v. hippo tang

    This is a quote from Wetwebmedia. This dude dives with these fishes all the time as well keeps them as a hobbyist. Just food for thought but by all means do anything you want. Tankmates: Similar appearing fishes, and ones utilizing about the same ecological niches should not be placed with...
  18. sean48183

    BiColor Goat

    Sorry to hear about that. The beginning to this hobby can be really frustrating. Even when you get things running smoothly it still can be frustrating.
  19. sean48183

    Found you while searching...

    What size tank?
  20. sean48183

    BiColor Goat

    I am interested in this as well. I have been thinking about adding one for awhile now. Keep us posted on how he does. From what I understand as long as you feed them a couple times a day they are bulletproof.