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  1. sean48183

    Snowflake Moray - 2yr growth pics

    I think as they get larger they should be fed less but when little I think they need more. If I didn't feed him everyday he was constantly cruising the top of the tank looking for an escape route and did escape once. Started feeding everyday and he chilled out. He also grew from about 7" to 20"...
  2. sean48183

    wrasse ?

    First off-Nice looking fish Did you just add the powder brown? They can be territorial once established for awhile but your tank is pretty big so it should give the powder plenty of space to get away. What I am guessing is happening is your wrasse is eating parasites off your powder brown which...
  3. sean48183

    my 150 build

    Nice tank and like your collection of fish. I also have a 150g although it is the 6 footer. I don't know if you feel this way but it is strange that my tank looks kind of empty even with 16 fish although one is a eel which I hardly ever see. I think I am going to add 3 more. A large angel, a...
  4. sean48183

    Snowflake Moray - 2yr growth pics

    How often do you feed your eels? I feed my snowflake once a day now that he is bigger. It was twice a day when he was little just to speed up the growth process now I am trying to slow it down a little.
  5. sean48183


    Your 12g is too small but I would say like a 3' long tank is fine. Mine is around 20" and lives in a conch shell which he sits in all day until feeding time. I'm really not sure how he fits in there. Here is cruisin around the tank at feeding time just to give you and idea of how long he is.
  6. sean48183

    sohal v. hippo tang

    Originally Posted by kjr_trig I haven't followed Chuck's thread as much lately, but I know he has over 10 Tangs from the Acanthurus family, and at least 30 Tangs total. I take it Goodwin is chuck. Well chuck also has a 600g...
  7. sean48183

    Just picked up my 450 gallon!!

    Thanks again and if I am up that way I might have to stop in and check Choice out. Can't wait to see any new additions in the future.
  8. sean48183

    Hair Alage!!

    Nitrates are zero because hair algae is eating them up. I grow massive amounts of hair algae in my fuge because of this. Nothing can knock down nitrates like hair algae. Problem is you don't want it growing in your main tank so give it somewhere else to grow. By the way no critter will eat this...
  9. sean48183

    sohal v. hippo tang

    Really. I hardly ever see tanks with powder blues and a bunch of other tangs. I'm not saying it is impossible and every fish is unique but they are very aggressive tangs. Not so much with other species of fish just tangs. Was your Naso alot bigger than your powder blue.
  10. sean48183

    Hair Alage!!

    Hey shy -got a get a fuge of some sort. With that cannister filter you will be plagued with the evil scurge. I know your on a budget bro but you have to find a way to eat those nitrates your filter is producing. In the mean time you can get a scrub brush at the dollar store and scrub the rocks...
  11. sean48183

    sohal v. hippo tang

    Any tang with a sohal or powder blue is doomed. In the wild they protect a small patch on the reef and all the algae with it. If any other tang enters it will be pounded. I don't if you have ever seen that blue planet show with the powder blue pounding on about 100 convict tangs. Imagine that in...
  12. sean48183


    I originally added 5 a couple years ago and 1 died 2 days later from ich and the other died about 4 months ago when I added a sick emporer without qting. None of them died from each other. Still have 3 and they have grown quite large. In your 150g you could add alot depending on the load in the...
  13. sean48183

    Just picked up my 450 gallon!!

    Thanks for the info. The one at the lfs is about 5" and has been there for about 3 months which is surprising since he so cheap. He does look mean as all get out but I don't if I can resist. I might have to set up a smaller tank for the little guys. What about my tang? Would he be alright with...
  14. sean48183

    What to get now? Lemonpeel and Flame Angel

    I have a rusty and a yellow in a 150g and they get along great. Even swim together from time to time. Dwarf angels are great fish IMO. Really colorful, cool little personalities and hardy as all get out. My rusty is 5 years old now and survived some brutal stuff in my first year. I think they...
  15. sean48183

    Flame and coral beauty angel?

    Absolutely no problem. I have a yellow and rusty in a 150g for over a year now with no problems. Little chase by the rusty on the yellow everynow and then but since the rusty has been around for 5 years now I think he is entitled.
  16. sean48183

    New fish not eating?

    In 2 weeks they will be eating the flakes and anything else you put in the tank. Most saltwater fish in time and when comfortable will eat anything that hits the water.
  17. sean48183

    Just picked up my 450 gallon!!

    Wonderful tank! Love the rays and with that size tank the options are unlimited to what you can do. I haven't read the entire thread so I hope I am not repeating a question but could you give me any advice on keeping a miniatus. There is one at my lfs that is only $30 and is decent sized. My...
  18. sean48183

    Blue hippo tang

    That's pretty funny spanko did you make that?
  19. sean48183

    new humu humu

    Triggers are territorial sorts of fish so sooner or later he will think that tank is his. Heaven help anything in it.
  20. sean48183

    help me select a new fish

    Since you have yellow, orange and blue what about a purple psuedo or a orchid dottyback. Maybe a coral beauty.