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  1. sean48183

    Good fish set-up?

    It takes along time for a tang to outgrow a tank. I had my sailfin in my 50g for about 2 years but did have to eventually move him to a 150g. I think you could do a small yellow with plans to upgrade tanks in a few years. Wouldn't do the blue though. The other fish are hardy and good fish to own.
  2. sean48183

    Stupid Fish!!!

    My purple did the same thing to a peppermint. Shrimp was around for awhile but the purple was alway hovering right near him waiting for the right time I guess. If you look into your psuedo's mouth you;ll see some knarly little teeth. Mine is 3 years old now and has some real nasty choppers.
  3. sean48183

    Changing tank sizes

    I just did it a few months back moving everything from my 50g to my 150g. Kind of a pain in the butt but I got her done with no casualties. Try to make the parameters in your new tank as close to the ones in your old tank(temp, salinity, calcium, ph, alk). One thing I did was reacclimate the...
  4. sean48183

    150 Fowlr

    Looks good but down the road the naso will get a little big(Will take awhile though). The triggers will fight at some point. I would trade 2 of the triggers in for a wrasse of some sort and a snowflake eel.
  5. sean48183

    The Start of My 150 gallon

    You could probably get away with doing groupers and triggers with a hippo and maroons. You would just have to get the maroons and hippos in there first and make sure they are bigger than the aggressive ones you will add. Hippos get pretty big and maroons are down right mean.
  6. sean48183

    I give up on my Flame Angel

    He will be a pig in no time. Actually took my yellow angel 2 weeks to touch food and when I ring the dinner bell(turn the powerheads off) he comes a chargin. No sweat. My rusty ate right from the get go though. Neither ever touches my corals.
  7. sean48183

    I HATE my Domino!

    I keep 2 damsels in my tank and have had as many as 4 before. I like them. You have to match up their tank mates right but as long as you do their fine. Mine are 3 years old an have kept all their colors and just got bigger. I would just get tank mates for your domino that can challenge him. I...