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  1. escape2thewater

    Oceana or Bang, or anyone else that may know

    Thanks for all your responses everyone. I was kinda caught by surprise the other night when my wife & I noticed that our clowns had laid a bunch of eggs. We thought it would be kinda cool to see if we could get some to make it but only one survived overnight toi have us catch it & place into a...
  2. escape2thewater

    bta and false percs, i can't believe it!

    I dont feed my BTA's anything, ever. I do have them directly under a 250w MH though. I have had (it) for almost 2 years now. About 4-5 months ago it split into (them). They both stayed in the same spot. The same fasle percs host in them both. They actually feed the BTA's when I feed the tank...
  3. escape2thewater

    DIY canopy finally started!

    Originally Posted by RogueTang and if u dont mind me asking how much did the wood set u back? The whole thing cost me about $260 and 4 days from start to finish. 2 days to build, 2 days to stain & polyurethane. I already had most of the tools & some of the other supplies. ie- sandpaper...
  4. escape2thewater

    DIY canopy finally started!

    Originally Posted by FW Reefer That's an awesome looking canopy. I have a 100 Reef and I want to do the same lighting set up as you have and I had a couple of questions if you have time. I already have the VHO's pushed by an IceCap 660 (4 X 48"... 2 Actinic 2 50/50) and I want to add 2 250 W...
  5. escape2thewater

    Found a tank.

    Originally Posted by I<3Fish I thought glass is better? I will check the tank out really soon. They both have their benefits but acrylic is generally more expen$ive.
  6. escape2thewater

    skimmer prob give advice

    I think it should be fine too. What a relief it will be for you when you have the new system up & running huh?
  7. escape2thewater

    Found a tank.

    Originally Posted by I<3Fish Well my LFS has a used 180g tank and canopy, and stand for 750. Is that a good deal? I am going to see it tommorow hopefully. So I wil update on its condition. But there is also a brand new 125 with stand and canopy for 700. So I am just wondering if this is a good...
  8. escape2thewater

    What is a good dependable brand of MH/PC lighting...

    First WELCOME to the forum! What you will want to do however is post a new thread from the main page. This case is the DIY/EQUIPMENT page. The way you did it just now is to another thread within that page. Im sure a mod can move it for you though. As to answer your question there are many...
  9. escape2thewater

    Oceana or Bang, or anyone else that may know

    I was told by my lfs that you can use baby brine shrimp to feed baby clownfish. What do you think about that? They got me to buy a hatcher that mounts inside the tank and as the tiny brine shrimp hatch they exit the hacther and go into the MT to be consumed by the newly hatched fish. I tried it...
  10. escape2thewater

    Clownfish eggs! Has anyone ever sucessfully raised them?

    Well they hatched last night. We only could find one still swimming around this morning. (eggs stayed in MT, couldnt remove rock they were on). We scopped him out and placed him into a 2gal eclipse with an airstone turned way down. He still got blown outta control when he swam through the...
  11. escape2thewater

    DIY canopy finally started!

    Originally Posted by Lubeck Awesome ; Thats What I Call A Deep Sand Bed. Nice Work Thanks. Yea it used to be nice & level across the bottom but over the years my engineer goby has rearranged the sand how he prefers it.. :happyfish
  12. escape2thewater

    DIY canopy finally started!

    Originally Posted by trainfever Really nice work. When putting the frame together, I couldnt tell by the pics but it looks like all your joints are butt joints and no lap joints, is this correct? Also, what kind of mechanical fasteners did you use, or was it just glue? Butt joints, I think. Im...
  13. escape2thewater

    DIY canopy finally started!

    and drum it is complete! I am very happy with how it came out overall. The only problem is now I have to build a matching stand!!! We are moving late this summer when my new house is completed so that gives me a few months to have the new stand ready...
  14. escape2thewater

    DIY canopy finally started!

    Originally Posted by oceana looks nice. how tall is that thing?? i thought mine was tall at 18 inches. maybe its just the pic but that things looks as big as my 36" stand. Its 20" tall. I like lots of room to do stuff! Escape
  15. escape2thewater

    Clownfish eggs! Has anyone ever sucessfully raised them?

    Heres a out of focus pic of the eggs & the male tending to them. Sorry for the crappy pic, I need to get a new camera.. Escape
  16. escape2thewater

    Clownfish eggs! Has anyone ever sucessfully raised them?

    Thanks I just found & read oceana's thread, its AMAZING! Im no where near ready for maintaining phyto & rotifers so its prob not going to happen this time but im interested in getting set up with it all now that my clowns are breeding maybe I can try to raise a future batch of eggs. Very cool...
  17. escape2thewater

    Clownfish eggs! Has anyone ever sucessfully raised them?

    My false percs have laid a batch of eggs at the base of thier anemone! I know the chances of any of the fry living long enough to grow up are very slim but has anyone ever raised them sucessfully? What are some tips to give them a better chance? I know they need to be removed from the main tank...
  18. escape2thewater

    New RO/DI Unit HELP

    Originally Posted by Littlebuck Well anyhelp would be great. I think i have it hooked up right did about 25 gallons yesterday. One thing is when i put my hand in the water bin i got shocked is that normal or what is up with it. But any help would be great or any tips on the units? You...
  19. escape2thewater

    DIY canopy finally started!

    Thanks everyone! Originally Posted by acrylic51 Looks very good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2 thumbs up on the doors and tips for building the doors? I agree wouldn't even try to put the MH ballast up top IceCap should be fine though The doors are made out of 1/4 oak panels & 3" moulding from...
  20. escape2thewater

    DIY canopy finally started!

    Thanks Corpjet & Grog. I was going to try to mount all the ballasts on the "outside" of the hood on the back of the back brace. I am trying to keep the wieght down on this hood so maybe just the icecap 660 will go there. It would be stained now but the minwax pastel stain I bought for it didnt...