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  1. escape2thewater

    Why wouldnt you drink RO/DI water?

    Originally Posted by Thomas712 I make coffee with it all the time, smooth LOL! Escape
  2. escape2thewater

    halide acclimation!

    I usually cut my photoperoid in half for the new MH bulbs at first. Then slowly add an hour every week or 2 until your back to your normal time. Some may say this is too fast but I havent had any probs doing it this way. Congrats on your upgrade & good luck! You will love how much better your...
  3. escape2thewater

    Why wouldnt you drink RO/DI water?

    Thanks for all the replies. thats some interesting info b/c there is a local water store by my house where I used to get my di water that sells it as drinking water. I used to just buy thier "drinking water" and use it for my tanks before I bought my own ro/di system. Kinda scary! Escape :happyfish
  4. escape2thewater

    anyone ever use ropelights???

    Ive tried it before, it was a little brighter then what I was looking for though. It will work, its just kinda bright. Maybe you could put some tape over some of the lights on the rope to make it darker if you need to. Escape :happyfish BTW, I tried it with a blue rope
  5. escape2thewater

    55gal. to 125gal.

    If possible, the way I would do it would be to set up the new tank and let it cycle. Then gradually move all your stuff over a little at a time. I know its a long process but if you can do it that way it would be safe. To help you could use water from your 55 when you do water changes to help...
  6. escape2thewater

    Filteration for Agressive Tank?

    I have only 2 big snails in my eel tank, ones been missing awhile though so maybe its one now....anyway my point is I have basically no cleanup crew and ive had no probs with the tank. I keep only my tesse eel in there, hes about 31" long now. He constantly stirs the sand up and it gets sucked...
  7. escape2thewater

    Where to find a used 200G+ system 4 eels

    First, Welcome to the board! That may be pretty tough to find used. From my experience if you do find a used tank of any size, it will likely have scratches and things on it that might bother you. I bought a used 100gal for my first sw tank but after setting it all up I realized that the tiny...
  8. escape2thewater

    what is a dyno phlagulate

    Its been a long time since I was in a classroom but from what I remember it is a single celled organism like an amoeba but it has a tail it uses to "swim" around. I could be wrong though, like I said its been a long time..... Escape
  9. escape2thewater

    What Protein Skimmer do you use?

    I am running the BERLIN TURBO on both of my tanks. I had a aquatic life systems 150 on my reef originally but after a year of trouble and non-reliable performance I tried the berlin turbo and love it. Escape :happyfish
  10. escape2thewater

    Why wouldnt you drink RO/DI water?

    I know you can drink the RO/DI water we use for our tanks but it seems that most people dont and many kits you buy have a bypass on the DI part for drinking water. Why is this? I would think the more pure the water the better, right? Escape :notsure:
  11. escape2thewater

    mh ?

    Ive had mine 13'" above the water for well over a year now with no probs. I have 2 - 250w 20k radiums. Yours will be fine IMO. Escape
  12. escape2thewater

    Glass top on tank?

    Yes! Go Topless! Everyone likes topless! Escape
  13. escape2thewater

    Well water question?

    Im on a deep well in FL too, (190 ft). My well water before the RO is about 300ppm TDS. Where are you in FL? Escape
  14. escape2thewater

    Replacing Metal Halide Bulbs

    Most MH bulbs last about a year or so before needing to be replaced IME. I have gone 15 months with my radiums before changing, but when I did change them, what a diffrence! Its amazing what you dont notice little by little. 12 months is a good time IMO. Escape
  15. escape2thewater

    New Reef Tank

    Originally Posted by Salty Cheese "hermit craps" ditto! :hilarious Escape
  16. escape2thewater

    Is this a deal or what?

    Originally Posted by KDFrosty I didnt know that they liked nitrates? (My 1000 post, BTW) LOL! congrats on your 1,000th post BTW, im getting close to mine too! I think this is 958 or so for me. Escape
  17. escape2thewater

    Chevron Tang?

    That is a beautiful fish, well worth the cost Escape
  18. escape2thewater

    Killer Clowns?!?!?

    BTW, Welcome to the board, I think.....its your first post but youve been reg' since '03? escape :notsure:
  19. escape2thewater

    Killer Clowns?!?!?

    I would check really good for the chromis' trying to carpet surf first, if not then MAYBE the clowns could have got 'em then everything else in the tank cleaned up what was left. The emerald crabs, I doubt it. How big are your clowns & serpent star? I have heard of serpent stars eating fish. Escape
  20. escape2thewater

    New Corals

    Awesome pics viper, thanks for sharing! Escape :happyfish