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  1. escape2thewater


    Ive had a coral beauty in my reef for alomst a year now. Ive never seen him bother any corals. I have both softies, LPS & SPS in there with him. A great little fish IMO. Escape
  2. escape2thewater

    kent marine scrapers

    I use the kent scrapers on the medium sized handle, works great on my tanks. My only complaint is you have to be very careful when scraping coraline b/c if you put a lot of pressure on the blades they bend easily. A bent blade is then worthless. Escape
  3. escape2thewater

    Some new Pics

    Nice pics reefman! These must be the guys that survived wilma? I cant believe your tank went 4 days w/o power and thats all you lost, very lucky. I know my tank starts to not look so good after just a few hours w/o power. Escape :happyfish
  4. escape2thewater

    What happens when you are prepared......Pics from Hurricane Wilma!!

    Sorry for your loss and everyone else' too, I feel your pain too. I was prepared with all the stuff left over from last year. I went a week w/o power from charley luckily it was only 2 days this time. My generator runs 24/7 after these storms & burns about $30 gas each day. I know last year...
  5. escape2thewater

    new pics!!!

    Looking great murph! I see your pics got better under the 20k's. What have you done diffrent? Tank looks great BTW. Isnt millipora a firecoral? Ive never seen one of those in a tank before. Escape
  6. escape2thewater

    Please help with the algae problem???

    Originally Posted by reefer123 so this would be enough for some sps? Yep. its fine for pretty much anything you want, especially with the lighting you have. Just let the tank mature a little bit more then you can add some sweet sps. Escape
  7. escape2thewater

    Help! Whats the problem!!

    Wow thats weird. To have a tank that long then all of a sudden have NO3 probs. Well to add a fuge you would just have to get an overflow box & return pump and some type of sump. It would help your tank but it may not be the answer to the problem. Dont know what to tell ya.... Escape :happyfish
  8. escape2thewater

    Please help with the algae problem???

    as long as you accounted for the headpressure or vertical rise in your plumbing that is correct. If thats the case then you have alomst 20x turnover which is fantastic! Escape
  9. escape2thewater

    Anyone know about the huge three foot bristle

    Ive seen pics before but I dont have the link, sorry. I can back you up though, I saw it too! Escape :happyfish
  10. escape2thewater

    Help! Whats the problem!!

    Sounds like your doing everything right. Do you use a wet dry filter with bio balls? If so it might be time to clean them or any other type of filter media that has been around a long time. Otherwise keep doing water changes to get it where you want it. You could also add a fuge to help. Escape
  11. escape2thewater

    Please help with the algae problem???

    Originally Posted by reefer123 what does everyone mean by 10x the turnover?? how do i calculate that? Ok you have a 65g tank, so you want 10x turnover so that would give you 650g per hour of flow. You will need to calculate how much your pumps flow then subtract any head pressure then that is...
  12. escape2thewater

    1000 posts!

    Yea, this is my one thousand-th post! yea! After two years and 4 months! Sweet! Escape :happyfish
  13. escape2thewater

    Please help with the algae problem???

    Its problobly just diatoms b/c the tank if pretty young, its normal for this to happen. They will go away quickly. If not you need to use only RO water for your changes & top offs, NO tapwater period. After a few small WC's it should clear up. And as already mentioned make sure you have enough...
  14. escape2thewater

    VHO,HO,NO bulb question

    You can only replace the bulb with the same wattage rating bulb it came with. You can change colors but not wattage or type. To upgrade from there you will have to upgrade your ballast & fixture too, pretty much all or nothing. If your not wanting to keep corals in there though, it really wont...
  15. escape2thewater

    xenia question

    You will want to remember what type of lighting they had in your lfs & where they were placed in the tank there. Try to copy that in your tank and the same thing for flow. If nothing else I have had zenia do that before where the whole colony melts away to a bare rock then after a few weeks...
  16. escape2thewater

    Starting Over

    Well you have all the equipment so your ahead of the game as far as that goes. I would just clean everything and start over with new sand & LR then take it from there. I can relate to your experience with Katrina to some extent, I went through Charley last year with no power for a week & just...
  17. escape2thewater

    Preparing for the new 200 gallon...suggestions

    Sounds like a very sweet system! I would definately set up the fuge right away too, it wont hurt anything. There may not be many nutrients for the macros to absorb at first but it wont hurt anything. My only experience in swapping tanks is setting up an additional tank that I seeded from my...
  18. escape2thewater

    Satellite Radio

    Sirius is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better! I sell both services at my store and have both services personally and I can tell you, Sirius is better. The music channels play a lot better music with less repetition and more variety. It seems like there is never anything good playing on XM. XM has...
  19. escape2thewater

    Weird ID help

    Its some kind of worm I think. I had one in my tank for a couple years, it doesnt hurt anything its just another wierd hitchhiker some find in thier tanks. Mine always came out during feeding time or when I scraped the glass.After awhile it will make a hard tube thing that will lives in. I ended...
  20. escape2thewater

    Refuge or Not to refuge??

    Originally Posted by r22wink escape.. thanks for the input.. Cape Coral???? We ahve a house down there... U drive the crazy Del Prado hwy, or drive or whatever that race track is....!! only if I cant avoid it!