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  1. escape2thewater

    are these two corals too close together

    Yes, I would definately move them furthur apart, like at least 3 inches or more. They may not sting each other right away but at night they can open up thier sweepers and cause some problems for each other. Escape
  2. escape2thewater

    20,000 K tank

    The 20k light will not look blue at all in person, only in pics. You will like it just fine and so will your corals. Ive been running 250w 20k radiums for about 1 1/2 years now they look great and my corals are growing like weeds so you have nothing to worry about. Good luck. Escape
  3. escape2thewater

    update of my 100G, color intense pics!!!

    Lookin' good as ever murph! You will love your monti cap if youve never had one before. You might remember I got mine about 3 months ago & I love them! They grow sooo fast for an sps. They are awesome, new on my favorites list. Good luck with yours! Escape
  4. escape2thewater

    Replacing MH Bulbs

    My 250w - 20k radiums look amazing in person its just when you take a picture they look VERY blue. Good growth on SPS, etc. I would go with 14k though if I could do it again. Escape
  5. escape2thewater

    Macroalgae Not Thriving

    Hey, one thing ive learned recently is that you cannot maintain a "high" alk level in your tank and keep your macros healthy at the same time. My LFS told me that I shouldnt go over 9dkh and at the time I was running closer to 11-12 dkh and all my macros were dying. I since have been running 8-9...
  6. escape2thewater

    Please help identify!

    That doesnt look like cyano IMO. Cyano is usually a stringy, slimy, substance that would be on top of the sand, not below it. That is prob just a normal, common algae.
  7. escape2thewater

    Need Coralline Fast

    You can also increase the alk of the tank water assuming there is nothing else in the tank that would suffer from it. I have found in my tanks that if I increase the alk to around 12dkh the coraline seems to take off. Also it seems to grow faster & thicker in the shadows of my MH lights vs in...
  8. escape2thewater

    What's in your refugium?

    5" DSB (oolitic aragonite) with lots of LR rubble. Feather caulerpa macro algae, about half a dozen mangroves, a couple cone snails, lots of misc pods & worms, and even some GSP & Zenia. Escape
  9. escape2thewater

    hideing power heads

    You could also use a closed loop system then you wont have any PH's in your dp tank at all. Escape
  10. escape2thewater

    Acro problem? pics "algae on tips"

    Sorry I dont know what to tell ya murph, my lfs always tells me that if the tips start to bleach not to worry about it, just if it starts at the base. I know your arent really "bleaching" though. Your pics dont look like hair algae, I have had just a couple strings of hair algae kill some acro...
  11. escape2thewater

    Distilled Water

    I have used the water from the big machines in front of publix grocery stores when in a pinch and I never had any probs with that. I dont know if its the same or not though?
  12. escape2thewater

    mj 900's or 1200's?????????

    There is no such thing as too much flow IMO however, I would get the 900's based on the power consumption and efficiency of them. The 900's are much more efficient for the power they use. I dont know the exact figures but if you look it up you will see what im talking about. Escape
  13. escape2thewater

    Amonnia Spike......Help

    It looks like you have a pretty good set up, maybe you just added too much bio-load too fast. Do you still have your other tank set up? If so I would reccomend moving those fish back into it if possible until the cycle is complete. Otherwise you will most likely loose some of them during the...
  14. escape2thewater

    corline alge questions please help

    I have found that if you raise your alk level to a fairly high level the coraline will spread much faster. Im talking dkh of 10-12. This very high alk level will help your coraline but if you have a fuge it will kill your macros so be careful! I leraned this the hard way! Escape
  15. escape2thewater

    What makes bubble tips anemone bubble?

    I have had a BTA for a bit over a year now and it never had any distinct bubble tips. Recently it split and since then both remaining anemones have very pronounced bubble tips. They are under 250w 20k radium MH bulbs. I have no idea why...... Escape
  16. escape2thewater

    Amonnia Spike......Help

    Well it sounds like your going through a cycle. A little bit more info will help others help you though, like How many & what kind of fish you added & when? All at once or ?? How often & how much do you feed them & what do you feed them? What size tank? What type of filtration? How much LR &...
  17. escape2thewater

    Salinity Poll

    My reef is at 1.027, my eel tank is 1.024 - 1.025.
  18. escape2thewater

    Sea Serpent Star

    Originally Posted by stuckinfla I have heard the greens are not safe. My lfs has warned me about the green ones too. I have some missing fish here lately and have been keeping an eye on my serpent so I wouldnt be suprised. Escape
  19. escape2thewater

    orange linkia seastar - opinions?

    I bought an orange one earlier this month. I acclimated it for over 3+ hours, very slowly. It lasted about a week then I found it in a collapsed looking state on the sand with it arm tips melting away to a whiteish stringy paste. I will try again though someday as it was really cool while I...
  20. escape2thewater

    Calling Reef Owners

    Between 78-80 daily. No heaters or chillers just a/c kept at 76-78. escape