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  1. coralreefer

    sand sifting creature

    ok, thats what i was thinking. BUT, i have a LMB and im planning to get a midas blenny. would these be compatible? also, my rocks are resting on the sand. i heard that if they sift the sand, it can cause a rock slide and break the glass. I CANT LET THAT HAPPEN. whoooops. sorry so dramatic so...
  2. coralreefer

    new member looking 4 advise

    i have 6 fighting conches in my 75
  3. coralreefer

    midas blenny

    would a midas blenny be compatible with a lawnmower blenny?
  4. coralreefer

    sand sifting creature

    i have 6 fighting conches that do a good job at night. the little bit that was growing i gone now i use drinkmore water, so its not the water
  5. coralreefer

    sand sifting creature

    its not serious cyano, its just a little on my sand. i think i know what the problem is. my t5 regular bulbs are almost 1 year old. i think i need to replace them. i have plenty flow (vortech MP20 and koralia 3).
  6. coralreefer

    sand sifting creature

    i need something that will keep my sand clean. if i leave it unmoved for too long, cyano starts growing on it. what would be good to keep my sand bed nice and white? its a 75 gallon tank.
  7. coralreefer

    mechanical filtration

    ok i might try the carbon
  8. coralreefer

    mechanical filtration

  9. coralreefer

    need some new fish suggestions

    what is a good schooling fish besides chromis?
  10. coralreefer

    What's Wrong With My LTA?

    if you moved it there is a good possibilty that its foot is damaged
  11. coralreefer

    maroon hosting

    no, i have a pair of occelaris clowns and they havent hosted my GBTA. i want to get a different clown or a different pair of clowns to host it. what i am asking is what kind of clown is most likely to host a GBTA that is in my tank already?
  12. coralreefer

    Tight space in the Sump. Please help.

    deltecs are awesome. what about that little giant skimmer? its really tiny
  13. coralreefer

    mechanical filtration

    i have a 100 gallon setup with 75 gallon display and 25 gallon sump. how can i add mechanical filtration to this setup? i like the look of crystal clear water and the only filtration i have is natural biological filtration, a skimmer, and a young scrubber. thanks for the help
  14. coralreefer

    Heater nightmares!

    Originally Posted by aquaguy24 Maybe ur thermometer is off. I have the hydor theo heater for both my tanks and they work very well. +1
  15. coralreefer


    it will start to dissipate over time
  16. coralreefer

    maroon hosting

    i want to get another clown. one that will almost for sure host my GBTA. which one is best?
  17. coralreefer

    need some new fish suggestions

    ok thanks for the help
  18. coralreefer

    need some new fish suggestions

    would 5 or 6 bangaai cardinals go with my fish? plus a midas blenny?
  19. coralreefer

    need some new fish suggestions

    do the goby and shrimp go together or something?
  20. coralreefer

    need some new fish suggestions

    cool thanks