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  1. coralreefer

    pics of my reef taken this week

    what bulbs are you using? i want to get all new bulbs ( they need to be replaced) and i have the same lighting fixture as you. i want my sps to grow fast like yours!
  2. coralreefer

    candy basslet

    THEY'RE 900 DOLLARS A POP!!!!?????
  3. coralreefer

    HollywoodDiver's 60G reef diary

    a sump is the way to go
  4. coralreefer

    candy basslet

    do they school in a 75?
  5. coralreefer

    aggressive yellow tang

    weel, yellows have been known to be agressive to newcomers, at least mine is. but ive never heard of it killing another one. what size tank is it? that would add a huge factor into the equation
  6. coralreefer

    hair algae taking over my reef tank help!!

    thats a good level. i keep it 450 for my clam
  7. coralreefer

    hair algae taking over my reef tank help!!

    hair algae is sometimes caused by excess trace elements like calcium. i would check the calcium level
  8. coralreefer

    What to add!

    my flame leaves the corals alone. he just goes on algae trips with my tang
  9. coralreefer

    white sand vs black sand

    i like the more natural look of white sand. JMO
  10. coralreefer

    irritating anemone

    my bubble tip has lodged itself into a rock crevice where nobody can see it. how do i make it come out?
  11. coralreefer


    i know all the hullabaloo about how xenia is deadly. BUT, i heard that it is used in the sump in the place of macroalgae for nutrient removal. is this true? if so, i want to try it! what kind of light should i get to support it in the sump? thanks
  12. coralreefer

    Huge Tank issue

    Originally Posted by fishstick4sale 50/60? ur nitrates alone will wipe out ur tank. ill freak out if i get to 10 most i ever had was 5. what kind of water changes do u do? do u buy ur water or mix it? do u use r/o water if u mix it? do u know if ur lfs using ocean water if u buy from them same...
  13. coralreefer

    midas blenny

    im definetely going to try. thanks
  14. coralreefer

    sand sifting creature

    ok thanks for the help everyone
  15. coralreefer

    midas blenny

    but i already have an LMB. and i am planning to add a midas. the only thing im worried about is that they will have territorial issues because of the times they were added. but from what ive gathered, a midas is more of a swimming fish than an LMB.
  16. coralreefer

    sand sifting creature

    so is there anything else i can add to keep my sand nice and white?
  17. coralreefer

    sand sifting creature

    i dont have a cyano problem. there are just a few little tiny thin spots of it here and there! ill get 2 stars
  18. coralreefer

    Red sponge with White polyps

  19. coralreefer

    sand sifting creature

    so sand sifting stars are the way to go? how many should i get? 5? 6?
  20. coralreefer

    new member looking 4 advise

    no they just clean my sand at night