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  1. jakebtc

    before i buy ?

    lol @ windmill but think you are right on :)
  2. jakebtc

    Need Help/ Critique on Fuge Design.. first timer

    imo post # 3 is pretty much how it should look but the blue baffle on the most right side should come much lower in the tank but the top of it looks pretty close to correct
  3. jakebtc

    Can anyone ID this?

    more then likely feather duster/tubeworm
  4. jakebtc

    foam under tank

    I've seen many experienced aquarist use foam sheets for this and it works for both acrylic and glass and imo I wouldn't go with a company that says you have to use it or it voids the warranty or vise versa because thats just a damn loophole but as far as using THIER stand for THIER tank that is...
  5. jakebtc

    i did an oops

    not to offend but IMO you need to quite looking for answers in a bottle and start letting nature and time take its course but if you do choose to go the bottle route there are tons of products out there for this but don't be surprised if something else goes out of wack after you pour that in
  6. jakebtc

    any good jebo lights out there?

    I've never owned any jebo lights myself but a good thing to remeber is "you get what you pay for" I've heard from many people that the color of the actinic bulbs that comes with the kits are simply "blue" not a real beneficial color temp and that the kits that come with cooling fans either...
  7. jakebtc

    Picture Contest for newbies

    it's been a lil bit since I've posted on here but I'm going to share a pic I took today that I like :)
  8. jakebtc

    Looking for 180 gallon and up in Iowa

    how much, and what all is it?.. pictures?
  9. jakebtc

    need Help w MH Power failures

    this is a good idea thegrog has for ya.. What model halide fixture is this, may I ask?
  10. jakebtc

    water changes

    probably, or maybe extended lighting period or phosphates or a combination
  11. jakebtc

    How I drill my tanks...

    shiby if your tank isn't too large try doing it in either a tub with a shower or a shower might work really well if you have, or get one of them cheap shower heads that have a detachable hose/hand held shower head just an idea unless you take it outside
  12. jakebtc

    New Lights **pics**

    hey king, do those lighted fans work nicely for moonlight effect? I've been thinking of replacing mine with those and leaving them on 24/7
  13. jakebtc

    Tri state area frag trade club starting up

    So from the sounds of it this isn' for me being I'm way the heck over in IA then ... damn
  14. jakebtc

    My Custom Made Canopy!!!

    that's a good idea for a bowfront and looks nice, I have that same kind of paneling over the backside of my island cabinets facing my dining room good job
  15. jakebtc

    Water Change Question.....

    I dont have one small enough to fit inside my buckets so I just siphon new water back into my sump from the bucket with the hose part of my gravel vac
  16. jakebtc

    oily film

    again I apoligize. last night wasn't a good night for me to be on here and I shouldn't have been and I edited that post so if the other people involved will do the same there won't be any improper posts in this thread
  17. jakebtc

    How do I stop the siphoning from tank to sump?

    does this work well for you or do you have problems with them not being equal? the feed to the sump not ever being the same as that of the return pump
  18. jakebtc


    I'm thiking you have FEATHER DUSTERS not barnacles aka tube worms barnacles are way different then what you have
  19. jakebtc


    how old is the tank?
  20. jakebtc

    ???Maroon clown???

    IMO but those are not true maroon and gold stripe clowns far as I know they are gold striped from the begining I've seen them VERY small and be gold and maroon. and it may be that they are together and that's why they don't move around the tank much or that you have a drain or powehead that they...