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  1. brent595

    Beth: Hypo Not Working?

    I just purchased a brand new ATC Refractometer on ---- for $43.00 + $7.00 shipping. When we have $1000 Reef Tanks nobody has an excuse not to buy one. The shipping will be higher, but shouldn't be too much.
  2. brent595

    confused with hypo and refractometer!!

    What is a good refractometer to buy?
  3. brent595

    Could someone take a pic of their ammoina test?

    Does salifert make a master test kit? If so where could I find one?
  4. brent595

    What do I need to lower my nitrates?

    Thanks for the help. I just use de-clorinated tap water for changes. I use a Tetra Nitrate Test Kit The argonite (sp?) I think it is sand. It is very fine grain and I mixed a 50lbs bag and 25 lbs of black. Is crushed coral also real fine? I didn't know enough when I got it to read the bag and...
  5. brent595

    What do I need to lower my nitrates?

    All my water parameters look good, but my nitrates are extremely high? They were about 50mg/l tonight, and I did about a 25% water change and they are still around 25mg/l. I will list my setup below and someone help me out and let me know what I need. I've got the money to get what I need, I...
  6. brent595

    coral banded shrimp

    Keep a good eye on him. I put in two cleaner shrimp, and one came up missing and I thought my anemone ate him, then the next day the other cleaner was gone, and I got to looking and my CBS was eating him. He is mean as hell. He chases my sally lightfoots and my peppermints. I guess the cleaners...
  7. brent595

    Question on tank gallons

    Once you get all the live rock and sand in it, it will not be anywhere close to any one of those fiqures, so it doesn't really matter anyway. :D As long as your happy with it when you get done.
  8. brent595


    Here is a picture of me and my Alaskan Timber.
  9. brent595

    Response from Tetra

    Originally posted by overanalyzer If you said Tetra sucks because they advocate the killing of fish I would disagree - BUT if you said Tetra sucks because they mis-represented how easy it is to keep salt water fish then I'd back you. No one thinks that Tetra advocates the killing of the...
  10. brent595

    Outraged about Early Show "Finding Nemo"

    I had written both of them a few nights ago and this is the reply I received from Tetra. I cut and pasted the email. Thank you for writing to us about Tetra's appearance on the CBS Early Show. The brevity of the segment prevented us from covering all of the points that we would have liked to...
  11. brent595

    I have a question about Nitrite.

    Thank you. This tank has been cycled for about 7 months now, but I did just have 2 cleaner shrimp get eaten by my CBS, so maybe it spiked it a little, and is still showing a little on the nitrite. I got one out, but couldn't find the other. I'm using a Tetra test kit. I think they are pretty...
  12. brent595

    I have a question about Nitrite.

    So you are saying that my Nitrite should be a flat 0 rather than 0.3. Correct?
  13. brent595

    I have a question about Nitrite.

    I noticed that everyone on here lists there parameters as follows: Ammonia 0 Nitrites 0 ect... My test kit measures in mg/l and my Ammonia is 0, but my Nitrites are at 0.3 mg/l. Is this what most people consider 0 Nitrites or would the .3 also not be desirable. I have always thought that...
  14. brent595

    I think my condi ate one of my cleaner shrimp?

    I had my other cleaner shrimp come up missing today. I got to looking for him and caught the culprit red handed. Freakin CBS. $6.00 shrimp ate $35.00 worth of cleaners. I noticed he kind of harrassed the peppermints a little, but nothing serious. I have 5 peppermints, and he has not harmed...
  15. brent595

    New Tank

    Thank you. Knew it would be something simple, but could not fiqure it out.
  16. brent595

    New Tank

    What is a FOWLR? I have seen it several times, but do not know what it means. :(
  17. brent595

    Cleaned Aquarium. Copepods all over Tang.

    From what I have read about ich, it doesn't sound like it. And he was clean as a whistle until I scraped the inside of the glass and got all the copepods stirred up. I haven't seen my cleaner on him, but whatever it is, I had a peppermint picking it off. It looks like the same thing that is all...
  18. brent595

    Cleaned Aquarium. Copepods all over Tang.

    I cleaned my aquarium today, and had thousand of Copepods on the glass. Now they are all over my Hippo. Is there any way I can get them off or will he be OK? They are even on his eyes. It just doesn't look comfortable, but he doesn't look like it bothers him any. As I mentioned in an earlier...
  19. brent595

    I think my condi ate one of my cleaner shrimp?

    Has anyone every heard of a condi eating a cleaner shrimp. I'm not for sure if that is what happened, but I don't see him anywhere, and he stayed right beside the anem. After they molt will they hide for a while? There was a molt floating in the tank, but it looked like it was off of one of the...
  20. brent595

    Question: Feeding Condi

    I have a pretty good size Condi (about 6" across) and have had it for some time now. I have been feeding it 1 raw shrimp a week, but had read on the board somewhere that you weren't supposed to feed them prepackaged food. I can't find the thread now, but was needing some opinions on this. I do...