Search results

  1. aloysiusii

    Looking for Fellow Salt Water enthusiast

    I saw Joel at the wagon wheel last week in madison he was talking about moving to costa rica and starting a saltwater coral farm and retiring he sure had quit a bit of drinks that night I hope he makes it big in costa rica!!!!
  2. aloysiusii

    Coral pics!!!! Help please!!!!

    temp 78-81, Calcium 350, Nitrate and Nitrite 0, ph 8.1-8.4, Amonia 0 no issues there
  3. aloysiusii

    Just Showing

    Here are some items in my 30 gallon Reef
  4. aloysiusii

    Orange Sun Coral is it look normal

    I just got this on Wednesday the 13th and was wondering if it looked alright to all of you? Has not opened up yet soooo....
  5. aloysiusii

    Coral pics!!!! Help please!!!!

    I have a couple of questions about the mushroom that looks like it is melting what do I do or what is wrong?
  6. aloysiusii

    anybody selling in ohio?

    Put it this way the pic you saw was taken when the LT was in my 12 Gallon Nano cube with 24 watts which is 2 watts per gallon. It is know in my 30 gallon reef tank doing GRRRREAT!!!!!! So I would say not much from my experience. Do you have any pics of your setup even if it looks crappy no big...
  7. aloysiusii

    anybody selling in ohio? link to my post with pics
  8. aloysiusii

    anybody selling in ohio?

    Yeah I am 2 LTA's 1 w/ Clown Clarkie and the other is Green Tipped and smaller. Interested??????
  9. aloysiusii

    2 LTA's for SALE or TRADE 1 w/ Clakie

    I have 2 LTA and they are in the same ank and do not want them any more. I am willing to trade them and sell them. What ever you prefer is good for me. I am unsure about the price so if any one has any suggestions please help!!! Sorry I do not have any pictures of the smaller one right now...
  10. aloysiusii

    My 29 BioCube UPDATED PICS

    Originally Posted by Bonebrake Looks like a great start. :joy: The yellow gorgonia is dying though, I would take it out. Yeah mine did the same thing and was the same size and now is about 1.5-2 inches long after having to cut it back everytime the ends started to look like his. You need...
  11. aloysiusii

    14th Annual All Ohio Frag Swap 041308

    swaps are trade and sell they are a great time you can really find some good deals just dont buy the first thing you see look around first then go back and buy. I have seen the same coral going for $95 one table and $35 at another just look around and have fun. See you there.
  12. aloysiusii

    How much would this sun coral go for?

    Hello I have noticed your coral and would like to let you know that they sell for $35 for a 2-3 inch piece. so youi can do the math and let use know how much your coral is worth by measuring and then counting the heads. Good luck with your frag and if it is not to expensive I would like a frag...
  13. aloysiusii

    Light timers???

    thanks guys I think I will run mine for 12 hours like in nature/ocean. Good luck to me.
  14. aloysiusii

    Light timers???

    I have bought a timer and want to know how long it should be on for I have a variety of coral live rock and fish it is a 30 gallon tank.
  15. aloysiusii

    Super Bowl XLII????

    How will win the Super Bowl? Patriots or New York?
  16. aloysiusii

    help! seabae anenome

    I came home and my seabae is turned upsidedown. Should I be worried or is this typical behavior?
  17. aloysiusii

    Frags for Me Please

    I would not mind shipping as long as it is not to expensive I live in 44094 ohio.
  18. aloysiusii

    Green Clown Goby discoloring

    It varies from day to day in color! Peramiters are all in check not an issue there. Those spot are not gold they are white and it looks discolored not everyday. I don't know???
  19. aloysiusii

    white spots on glass

    Do you have any snails in your tank? I too have the same spots and I have yet to find a real answer on what they are. If I find out before you do I will let you know!!!!