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  1. thunder7

    A few before and after pics

    Very nice looking tank.
  2. thunder7


    That sounds good. Thank for your help
  3. thunder7


    Do zoas shead. It looks like some of my zoas are shedding almost like a soft coral would. I don't think this is normal is there any thing I can do to try and save the coral. All parm. checked out fine and all off the other corals look good.(mostly softies ans a few lps). Thanks for any advice.
  4. thunder7

    What kind of fish?????

    I would stay away from the triggers they will get to big. I would think that most puffers would get to big as well. I think that there is a puffer that stays fairly smaa around 4 inches but I am not sure you may want to look into that.
  5. thunder7

    some growth shots... its been awhile

    Very nice looking!
  6. thunder7

    Just some random shots of my humble 75g.

    Wow very nice looking!
  7. thunder7

    Some of my Zoo's

    Very nice I hope I can get mine to grow like that.
  8. thunder7

    Yellow Tang and Powder Blue Tang

    I have them in my tank . The yellow tang pushed the blue around for the first week but now they seem to get along just fine.
  9. thunder7

    niger trigger

    I have a niger triger. He is in with a yellow tang,a pair of maroon clowns,a flame angel and a blue damsel.
  10. thunder7

    Dwarf Angel poll!!!!

    I have a flame angel and he is a pretty cool fish with great color and very active.
  11. thunder7

    Angel Fish, Dwarf Angel??

    I dont think you should put to angels in the same tank. From everything I have read it says they will fight until one of them kills the other.
  12. thunder7

    My 210 Pics

    Very nice looking!
  13. thunder7

    Filtration Upgrade, Confused????

    I am no expert by any means but I would go with a sump instead of a canister filter. You will get better filtration along with more water valume. You will also have a place to house you equipment.
  14. thunder7

    home made canopy

    Very nice!
  15. thunder7

    My efforts have fruits

    Very nice!
  16. thunder7

    Finally .. My ATI is here

    Very nice looking!
  17. thunder7

    My 29 with DIY cabinet, canopy, & sump

    Very nice kooking!
  18. thunder7

    Live rock and Red Mushrooms

    I may be interested in some mushrooms. I live in Blue Springs MO.
  19. thunder7

    Pics of my 75 gallon(lots of pics)

    Looks really nice.