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  1. conch

    Just liked these pictures

    Full tank
  2. conch

    Just liked these pictures

    My new Suncoaral came out in full light... yay
  3. conch

    Just liked these pictures

    My best picture from the tank yet
  4. conch

    Will Flame angel get along with these tankmates?

    As far as the the gramma-angel mix, I had a Coral beauty angel in my tank with a gramma for over 1.5 years with no prob, never saw them interacting. (till the Coral beauty found herself out of my tank in a very dry house.
  5. conch

    containers to buy water

    I use the Aquatainer from wallyworld as well and I love it 7 gallons with a pourspout it's great. Go to a camping section of you favorite megamart
  6. conch

    Best bottled phytoplankton?

    Both. I spot feed my Sun Coral by placing half a soda bottle on top and filling it with Zooplan. I also feed the whole tank with Zooplan and Cyclopeeze by just adding it too the tank, all of my corals have responded well to this, the best it's looked in 3 years
  7. conch

    Lets see-full Tank Shot

    Welcome to Page 2 my 55 Don't know how much rock 2 250w 14k mh 65w pc dual actininc 20 gal sump 15 gal refugium Lifeguard "Advanced filtration system"
  8. conch

    Help with big project.

    HOB= HANG ON BACK just found the notes when I first got the skimmer. it's a little oild so the picts dont work but it's worth a read several others got one at the same time Have a good night though I must sleep for now. Keep me informed...
  9. conch

    Help with big project.

    Thanks, It took a while to get it to that point (with 2 MAJOR moves, One from Florida to NH Whick I lost a lot of stuff :( ) I build my sump from a 20 Long with 4 pieces of 1/4 lexan as my baffles. It has done me wll through the years and was cheap and easy. The Only thing I would change is to...
  10. conch

    Help with big project.

    Actually Coraline appears to grow better on darker things. But I have just read you onter post and see that you have already thought through some of this stuff. Here is another suggestion... I see that you are planing on building a sump. Great, do that 1st and place some of you lave rock...
  11. conch

    Help with big project.

    I tried it for awhile and noticed no real advantage. But I already use Bionic 2 stage Alk/Cal. the problem with purple up is that it will boost you Calium, with out doing anything for you alkalinity which works like a Ph Buffer for your tank. Also Purple up does NOT add coraline to your tank. It...
  12. conch

    Help with big project.

    The Lava rock you have in there is now "Live Rock". That is to say that it has all or the bacteria in it needed to break down your ammonia and nitrates. If you take it all out at once, and don't replace it with a similar amount of Coraline encrusted live rock, you could well end up with a spike...
  13. conch

    emerald crabs eating Mushrooms??

    Originally Posted by Farslayer I've never heard of it myself. Mushrooms can detach and roll away, are they in heavy flow? Flow could have been on the moderatly high side. perhapes that is where he went...
  14. conch

    emerald crabs eating Mushrooms??

    Does anyone have experiance with this, I just noticed one or 2 of my shrooms disappeared. Figured emeralds are my 1 st suspect.
  15. conch

    Best bottled phytoplankton?

    Clams eat phytoplankton Coral eats Zooplankton . Try phyto feast for a week or two, then try Zooplan or that little glass bottle of zooplankton and see if you can notice a differance, I know I did.
  16. conch

    My gonipora not looking so well...

    I feed my sun coral Zooplan and it loves it. perhaps try that. much cheaper then oyster eggs
  17. conch

    Best bottled phytoplankton?

    1st question to ask yourself...Why feed carnivorious coral plants?? I fed my corals Phytoplan, DTs and other Plant based Foods and I only ended up with larg amounts of Cynobacteria, and didn't get that much reation from my Coral. I started feeding my tank Zooplan (two little fishies) and I no...
  18. conch

    flame angels and clams..

    I have a coral beauty angel, and a clam I've never witnessed to 2 interacting
  19. conch

    coral banded shrimp vs. skunk cleaner shrimp

    I have had a CBS for over a year now, he hasnt interacted with my SixLine, or my 4 or 5 peppermint shimp. I did make the mistake of putting 2 CBS's in the tank at the same time. I have one now :( One CBS per tank unless you know they are Mated. That is the one limit with CBS's
  20. conch

    Little Fishies Zooplan

    I was wondering if anyone else was using this? Since I started using it instead of phytoplan or DTs to feed my tank and my coral has become much happier. I bought some SunCoral frags from my lfs a couple or weeks ago, and I feed it this using the cut in half Bottle method. at night and I...