Search results

  1. sh00tist

    preventing corals or fish from dying due to high temp

    A fan in your sump will help quite a bit as well as fans in your canopy and across the top of your water. The cheapest method I could come up with was to put a 50 gallon sump down in my crawlspace. I dont have a real short crawl space but rather one that you can sort of duck walk around in. It...
  2. sh00tist

    egg crates

    You dont have to cover the entire tank bottom with it,take little pieces and place them under critical rocks or you can cut 1 inch PVC into short pieces and place them under your rocks. What you really dont want is one point of one rock sticking into your glass with a pile of rock on top of it...
  3. sh00tist

    more flow neded for these corals?

    I would get more flow,all may seem well for a year or more then your tank may crash or become overrun by cyano. Low flow provides dead spots in your tank where matter will collect and cause problems on down the road. For an example of proper flow for a reef tank type in 'reef video' into any...
  4. sh00tist

    Sea Horses in a Reef tank ?

    Add to that list the fact that seahorses require a lower temp than most of our reef creatures,they have very short life-spans,and are very finicky eaters not to mention the costs of aquisition you can understand why they do best in a specimen type setup. My buddy has kept a pipefish(dragon face...
  5. sh00tist

    Stocking 75g reef

    I would get rid of one of the clowns and get another of the type you keep. If you keep a female make sure you get a very small specimen of the same type for it to pair with,every reef has to have a pair of clowns Im pretty sure its a written down rule in some lawbook somewhere. Next thing you...
  6. sh00tist

    salt mix and water change

    I use IO but up the CA and Mg with turbo calcium and seachem magnesium.
  7. sh00tist

    Changed out my CC!

    Great job on getting rid of that nasty CC,you will thank yourself everytime you dont have to clean it,I hope everyone comes through it ok. Sorry to hear about those damsels they are truly the devils work. The absolute best sure-fire method for removing them is to drain your tank. This may seem...
  8. sh00tist

    GPH question

    You will need more flow. I wouldnt even include the return from the sump in your expectations of flow in your tank,its sort of like a bonus. At minimum you will need a couple of Koralia 3's, you may get away with something smaller if you are keeping softys but you run the risk of dead spots in...
  9. sh00tist

    how many people here use bioballs?

    Bioballs cannot even come close to the denitrifying capacity of live rock/rubble. To the eye bioballs may appear quite porous,upon closer examination(on a microscopic level,where bacteria live) there is no comparison. The live rock is virtually covered with holes of all diferent shapes and...
  10. sh00tist

    Help me stock my 55gallon

    If you plan to keep a lot of zoas/palys I would seriously look into getting a nice wrasse to guard them. The types that sleep in the sand seem to be the best hunters/guard dogs. Look for a yellow coris if you want to go cheap or a radiant,tamarin,exquisite,mystery or a leopard. These animals...
  11. sh00tist

    Son of a b#$&* , need an expert.

    I would just leave it alone for a week or two. They are a very strange creature,may look almost dead for a week or more then one day look awesome.
  12. sh00tist

    Consumption rates in larger systems?

    You really should look into a calcium reactor,the startup cost may be steep but compared to what you are spending in chemicals it would pay for itself in no time,though you may still have to drip kalk to keep your levels up. You need to drip your kalk through your auto top off,this will let you...
  13. sh00tist

    Need help upgrading to larger tank

    I just did this about 5 weeks ago. First off you need some big rubber tubs I used 2 40 gallon and 2 20 gals. You need at least 2 extra heaters. Prior to the move start doing water changes and putting it in one of the tubs,later on divide it between the 2 20s and make up the rest with fresh...
  14. sh00tist

    Fish Dieoff

    First of all you need to figure out why so many fish met their end in such a short period of time,it will only happen again. If must have been something dramatic sounds like some sort of chemical poisoning,like from perfume or air freshener,fresh paint? I dont know for sure but I do know healthy...
  15. sh00tist

    Peppermint Shrimp = Devil

    You dont have pepermint shrimp,even though the LFS said it was so,you have camel shrimp and the carnage will continue until you rid your tank of them.
  16. sh00tist

    Consumption rates in larger systems?

    dripping kalk will not increase your calcium levels it will only maintain them. You must first get your CA up to the desired level then start dripping the kalk. Even with the kalk dripping depending on your coral load you may still have to supplement. That is why I suggested adding a fan to...
  17. sh00tist

    Replacement bulb suggestions?

    The actinics provide very minimal if any good light that can be utilized by our corals,they are basically just for looks. I wouldnt sweat the PC bulbs but get a good MH thats where you get your growth,Ive heard nothing but good things about Ushios the other brands I really cant say,t-5 man here.
  18. sh00tist

    Nano Skimmer?!?!

    If you are willing to spend the $$ then you really cant go wrong buying that Tunze you wont have to fuss over it at all, quet, you will never regret it and your tank will love you.
  19. sh00tist

    shorty overflow?

    I recently built one for my wifes nano so I could plumb it into the main system. It uses 2 specimen boxes from LFS and a few other things,Ive got about 20 bucks in it,heres a link
  20. sh00tist

    Protein skimmers

    With a water column that large if its at all possible I would advise plumbing them together with a common sump(in your basement/crawlspace) you will only have to deal with one water column which is so much simpler,one top off,one water change,chemistry heaters,and you can put a skimmer in the...