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  1. sh00tist

    CPR problem

    You have to pump air as well as water into the chamber. This is accomplished by using a venturi that is basically a little air hose with a valve on it that attaches to your powerhead,it sounds like you dont have one going. A maxi 1200 with a venturi will do the job on your CPR,you can also use a...
  2. sh00tist

    might sound dumb but, how can i get this many watts in this tank?

    for a 20 gallon the Nova with 48 watts would be fine for what you are trying too keep,they make a nicer unit with 4 bulbs,a fan and moonlights that would give 96 watts and I know for a fact keep about any coral. I would start slowly adding corals though start with some mushrooms and see how they...
  3. sh00tist

    comments on your Live Fish Store

    Have a few decent size tanks that you can keep really nice and clean with good flow instead of 20 little tanks with virtually no flow and everything cloudy and half dead. There is so much science involved in reefkeeping but when I go into a LFS I see nothing that relates to science short of the...
  4. sh00tist

    comments on your Live Fish Store

    This is a really great thread and I wanted to chime in and maybe help you out a bit,it would be nice to see a really great fish store survive and prosper. I know a lot of us go to our LFS A LOT! and Im no exception. When I go Im usually after some sort of dry good if not Im ALWAYS looking for...
  5. sh00tist

    would a reef expert enlignten me please

    Pretty sure you have some green star polyps. They have a pinkish mat that they retract into at night or if they are disturbed for some reason. Give them a few days and if your water is good they will start coming out and eventually grow like weeds,I keep mine exclusively on the glass. They will...
  6. sh00tist

    Consumption rates in larger systems?

    You should drip kalk everyday to keep your levels constant. Many have their kalk dripping through their ATO as do I. With a system that large you should seriously consider a calcium reactor though you may still have to drip kalk to keep your levels up. One thing that may help you get more kalk...
  7. sh00tist

    Should I put anything under my Live Rock?

    I went with short pieces of 2" pvc.
  8. sh00tist

    Eradicating Monti eating nudis?

    Throw a yellow or green coris wrass in there they will be gone in a week and you can put all the chemicals back in the chemistry lab where they belong.
  9. sh00tist

    flame scallop ns. turbo snail

    Since the flame scallop will be dead in a month or two I would go ahead and try to save your snail.
  10. sh00tist

    Is my mean clownfish doomed to be all alone?

    You need to get another clown of the same species but you have to get one that is a lot smaller than the one you have allready. These fish can change --- so the one in your tank will be the dominant female the new one will become the highly submissive kiss a$$ sissy male,she will push him around...
  11. sh00tist

    What am I doing wrong?!

    Are you acclimating these fish properly? I didnt see it mentioned anywhere in your post. Float their bags for 10 or 15 minutes then begin dripping using airline or using a turkey baster add a couple of ounces every 15 minutes for a couple of hours?
  12. sh00tist


    I wouldnt remove them from their original rock you will only slow the process and perhaps lose 1 or all of the few polyps you do have. While it is true they wont grow as fast under PC as they will under t-5 or halides theys should still be growing if they are opening full with nice skirts. Under...
  13. sh00tist

    My Skimmers going crazy today

    Were you doing any painting? How about burning a lot of those scented candles? Has the wife been spraying any sort of deodorizer like those glade plug-ins or lysol? fresh scents? Hair spray,perfume perhaps some sort of soap or detergent has entered your water column,did the kids stick anything...
  14. sh00tist

    New 55g/ 1st Marine tank!!!Pics

    Just keep buying a little bit of rock here and there you cant ever have enough. A great place to look is in the buy/sell boards,all the forums have them and sometimes you can find someone local tearing down a tank. When you do start adding creatures you will want to go very slow,with so little...
  15. sh00tist

    lighting advice

    My buddy has a 180 lit totally by t-5 and he has awesome sps growth along with a couple of clams. Im not a clam expert but I know that some are less light demenading than others and there are a couple that will do best with halides but there are plenty that can be kept just fine under t-5s. Im...
  16. sh00tist

    SafeSand Brand and Remote Deep Sand Bed

    I would never add more crushed coral on top of older crushed coral. Crushed coral is an accident waiting to happen. If you are willing to spend the time and religously sweep your coral bed every week then it can work and does for some. The general concensus in the hobby is the best thing to do...
  17. sh00tist

    Bought a used tank, what are my chances!

    Moving tanks is always a good time to get rid of some unwanted critters and such. The first thing that comes to mind is the crushed coral substrate you mentioned,if this is what you plan to use or are allready using I would remove it asap or you will pay later,go with either sand/live sand or...
  18. sh00tist

    fish #2 huma huma... bully already???

    Originally Posted by nakadoc First off please get the name right, its HUMU HUMU short for HUMUHUMUNUKNUKUAPUAA. Trying saying that, LOL! When I first started the hobby back in 99 I had a 75 with a porcupine puffer, volitan lion, HUMU HUMU, clown trigger and a [hr] . Yeah did not know much...
  19. sh00tist

    new fishies are scared and hiding :(

    Both of those fish are major algae eaters and will most likely eat algae before anything else. I would suggest you go get an algae clip and some nori algae. Place it somewhere they wont feel threatened at first but somewhere they will see it. Im not going to lecture and Im afraid to look at your...
  20. sh00tist

    How long can they live??

    Kudos to SWF on their packaging,as a hard fast rule my experience has been if the paclage is late everyone is dead,so ive given up on mail order all together. My wife however can take a lot more punishment than myself and continues to order through the mail. None of these were from SWF but in...