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  1. 3m

    Question about adding more Live Rock

    why not just buy cured rock and save yourself the headache?
  2. 3m

    multiple clows

    currently i have a 90 gal with 2 Percula Clownfish, 2 black and white Percula Clownfish and three green chromis. i have plenty of hiding spots in the 75 # of live rock. i will be adding two BTAs and a Pink Tip Haitian Anemone this week. my question is can i add two more Percula Clownfish to this...
  3. 3m

    will a flame angel bother

    will a flame angel bother Xenia, Yellow Polyps, Bubble Tip Anemone, or a Pink Tip Haitian Anemone? thinking about adding one but dont want to mess up the stuff I already have. thanks
  4. 3m

    first try at coral

    Ive ordered two small BTA ,some Yellow Polyps and a Xenia Colony. i can pick up mushrooms here locally at a decent price so I'll look into those today.
  5. 3m

    Collecting Live Rock and Sand???

    no you cannot, same with plants or animals. they will take it at customs
  6. 3m

    first try at coral

    thanks guys, I appreciate the advice , RWP i just sent you an Email. :)
  7. 3m

    black sand?

    i have a diamond goby in there and he keeps things clean for me :) but i like the sand and the look i just wish it came LIVE
  8. 3m

    black sand?

    i have black sand in my 29, i've just started that tank but love the look, right now i just have a piece of base rock and two clowns in it but so far so good. you have to be careful to not overfeed as stated above it shows up quite easily.
  9. 3m


    can you please list the dimensions of the 37 please i have a 39 and am looking for a stand but will buy tank and stand if it will fit my 39
  10. 3m


    do you have a stand with the 37?
  11. 3m

    QT feeding/cleaning Q's

    i would say 4 full weeks, better safe than sorry i always say.
  12. 3m

    water tests fine-fish dying???

    Originally Posted by est706 1.022 salinity what about air bubbles?? how do you airrate your tank? we purchased and are waiting for 2 more powerheads by mail... we have cooper fittings on our magnum....(shut off valves) is this a problem? we bought this tank used... he ran a fresh h2o tank then...
  13. 3m

    help my nitrates are off the charts!!

    what kind of sand? where did you buy it from? if your gonna go with sand go with it, if your gonna go with coral go with that, but i wouldnt mix the two. its like partial circumcision, go all the way or f'n forget it
  14. 3m

    One of my clowns getting darker

    i have a simular situation, the larger darker one seems to chase the smaller brighter one around quite a bit. he doenst seem to have any physical signs of abuse but i still worry about the stress factor. I bought them both at the same time and they were the same size. i also have 3 green chromis...
  15. 3m

    Question for the guys - Video Games?

    i have a psp (play station portable) it plays movies and games. I love it and use it extensively when i travel. I love to play online, wifi which is built into the system, while sitting at the airport. also you can use the internet to check mail and news (again with wifi) so with that said I...
  16. 3m

    iodine and calcium question

    Per the directions on the package it reccomends 8 drops per day per 50 gallons. But I was recently told by adding these items i am creating a toxic soup. is this the case? I have a 75 gallon FOWLR tank.
  17. 3m

    Green Chromis Question

    so your saying i should add another 2 Green chromis to get the fish to play nice? or is it too late for i need to add them all at once
  18. 3m

    Green Chromis Question

    that was my initial thought as well, for the most part no but once in awhile i see the larger of the two dart after him, but its not common but it does happen. at night when the lunar lights are on the two larger ones hang together and the smaller one goes into hiding til daybreak. he has done...
  19. 3m

    Green Chromis Question

    i have three new green chromis, two are relativly the same size while one is only 3/4 the size of the the other two. the smaller one seems to have developed some light patches on its sides. now I am positive its not ick but i was wondering if there is anything that would cause these very faint...
  20. 3m

    first try at coral

    Originally Posted by patandlace What kind of lights are you running? Xenia,Mushrooms and Zoanthids are good beginner corals and GSP as fish fatty said. right now i only have t5's but would upgrade if this venture proved fruitful