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  1. blutang

    Anyone Ever Had A White Cheek Tang?

    I alway though a powder brown looked like this.
  2. blutang

    Difference In Fish Prices

    Corals are probably the same if not worse.
  3. blutang

    Have You Seen This Fish?

    I have never seen these fish online or in stores, however, I just looked it up online, and it is a beautiful fish. Good luck finding it! Have you seen any pricing information on these fish?
  4. blutang

    Moving Question

    I would say as long as you have it in water, and you keep the filter media wet, you should be fine. I let mine sit over night and it was okay.
  5. blutang

    Looking for locals

    I don't know where Newark is, but I'm from Cincinnati:)
  6. blutang

    Anyone Ever Had A White Cheek Tang?

    I don't think I'm gonna get him, b/c my tank is too small for him:(....oh well maybe some other time!
  7. blutang

    Fish Tricks

    Its amazing how much intellegence is provoked by hunger:):):)
  8. blutang

    Ever have annoying suggestions from friends?

    Its crazy how many "grow up" kids we have in here isn't it:)!
  9. blutang

    Blue Linkia Update

    Funny little creatures aren't they?!
  10. blutang

    Anyone Ever Had A White Cheek Tang?

    I kinda figured that it would fairly difficult to keep.....thats why I haven't seen them around at the LFS before......I haven't seen them in person, but I'd sure love to.
  11. blutang

    new tank mates

    Yeah, it definitely helps the whole picture thing....really gives you an idea of what the color of the animal truly is. Great shots.
  12. blutang

    Anyone Ever Had A White Cheek Tang?

    Up to 8" can you determine by looking at the fish whether or not it will get really big?
  13. blutang

    Difference In Fish Prices

    Yeah it's crazy, well you know how expensive those Blue Spotted Jawfish are? Well he pays like 45-50 bucks for them.
  14. blutang

    Difference In Fish Prices

    The guy I know who owns a LFS does about 75% mark up, simply because he has a really good distrubutor.
  15. blutang

    Anyone Ever Had A White Cheek Tang?

    Here ya go![img]
  16. blutang

    Difference In Fish Prices

    WOW...I can't believe that a fish could cost that much...WOW!
  17. blutang

    Anyone Ever Had A White Cheek Tang?

    I have just discovered this fish, and it is absolutely gorgeous....I don't think I have seen a more beautiful tang. Let me know about your experiences with them.
  18. blutang

    What goby/bleenie should I add

    Get a Sleeper Gold Head Goby, they are often called a Blue Cheek Goby for the blue stripe on their check with the yellow, they are really cool sifters, I think you would really like it. Or you could get a Yellowhead Jawfish.
  19. blutang

    Difference In Fish Prices

    Most of the time it is just how much the vendor (LFS) wants to mark it up........sometimes, whether or not it was caught with cyanide makes a difference, although that is mainly with the fish caught in and around the Phillipines.
  20. blutang

    new tank mates

    AHHHH...I see thats a neat idea, instead of buying a QT tank:)