I have never seen these fish online or in stores, however, I just looked it up online, and it is a beautiful fish. Good luck finding it! Have you seen any pricing information on these fish?
I kinda figured that it would fairly difficult to keep.....thats why I haven't seen them around at the LFS before......I haven't seen them in person, but I'd sure love to.
I have just discovered this fish, and it is absolutely gorgeous....I don't think I have seen a more beautiful tang. Let me know about your experiences with them.
Get a Sleeper Gold Head Goby, they are often called a Blue Cheek Goby for the blue stripe on their check with the yellow, they are really cool sifters, I think you would really like it. Or you could get a Yellowhead Jawfish.
Most of the time it is just how much the vendor (LFS) wants to mark it up........sometimes, whether or not it was caught with cyanide makes a difference, although that is mainly with the fish caught in and around the Phillipines.