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  1. blutang

    Extreme Brown Algae Outbreak

    As long as you don't have something that needs good light, like an anemone or coral you should be fairly okay.
  2. blutang

    stars and stripes puffer...poisionous?

    Yeah, my Valentini bites me all the time when I'm feeding him (not on purpose) and I'm stilling breathing:)
  3. blutang

    Ever have annoying suggestions from friends?

    That would just be frightening at night!
  4. blutang

    Quick Question.......

    Most people say that RO/DI water is the best.....what is your phosphate reading? It could also be because your protein skimmer isn't working up to its full potential......what type of filter do you have?
  5. blutang

    Fish Tricks

    My Flame Hawk will sit in my cupped hand as I feed him a piece of freeze dried krill. Why would you put a ping pong ball in the tank?
  6. blutang

    Hey CorvettV12TTNOS!

    Thanks for the URL:)!
  7. blutang

    Blue Linkia Update

    This may sound weird, but I think I just saw my Blue Linkia relieve himself:) I watched him excrete this string like stuff onto my substrate...has anyone ever seen this before? He must be eating well:)LOL
  8. blutang

    Blue Linkia Stories?

    Ok thanks for the tip, so far so good with mine.
  9. blutang

    Blue Linkia Stories?

    Well, he is doing well, and moving a little bit, but not too much...should I be concerned?
  10. blutang

    Brine Shrimp???

    Wow...thats really cloudy.......its just much easier for me to stop by the LFS on the way home from work....LOL!
  11. blutang

    Digging Trigger

    I'm surprised to hear that, as I always thought that triggers were an agressive species of fish.
  12. blutang

    Ever have annoying suggestions from friends?

    The one that I hear a lot when I tell people about my two tanks is, "WOW.....I've heard thats a lot of work".......of course it is, but I LOVE IT:) At least people know a little about the hobby and can appreciate the fact that its not easy.
  13. blutang


    From what I have heard they will keep growing, and a VERY large tank is needed.
  14. blutang

    Peak of My First Cycle

    I would just let the tank long have you had it up?
  15. blutang

    new damsel and cycling

    When I first started cycling my tank, I had the same experience, it is fairly normal....however, if you have other damsels in there with it, you will need to watch them, because most likely its getting picked on if you have others in the tank with it.
  16. blutang

    Zebra Moray Eel

    I've heard that these are okay with fish........they have a pretty calm personality (as eels go)
  17. blutang

    Food for a spanish dancer?

    Are these weird looking guys dangerous to a tank? Also, how much do these things run (price wise)? I looked them up, and they look pretty cool:) I wouldn't get one, simply because of Bang Guy's statement above, but I'm just curious as to what they are all about.
  18. blutang

    Blue Linkia Update

    Some of you may have seen my post asking about experiences that different people have had with the Blue Linkia stars, well I have recently gotten one and it is doing well.....still has a lot of color, and is moving VERY slowly around one piece of seems like it may be hiding. Is this...
  19. blutang

    new tank mates

    Where were the first two pics taken?
  20. blutang

    I Need Help Quick

    Sounds like he has gotten picked on really bad from some other fish in the tank....if you have a QT tank put him in that, if not, there is nothing you can really do at this point....I'm sorry to say, he may be on his last leg:(.......keep us posted!