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  1. blutang

    My Powder Blue Tang

    Also, how often have you been varying the diet, and what are your water parameters? Have you introduced anything new into the tank lately?
  2. blutang

    read this

    If you are talking about breeding clowns, I would suggest to let them have their own seperate tank.
  3. blutang

    clown trigger

    I would post in the disease forum about that problem. I would also advise you not to touch your fish when they are sick. That could stress them out during their illness and make it easier for them to die.
  4. blutang

    Shrimp & Spotted Hawk?

    Any type of Hawkfish, prey on shrimp and crabs in the wild, so be careful with the shrimp you put in, however, I had a CBS and my Flame Hawk, and they both were cool. My guess is the Flame didn't want to get pinched:)
  5. blutang


    Absolutely not! We must remember that these fish are a member of the mean and crazy damsel family, and definitely will show themselves if they see another of their own species in the tank......I made the mistake of putting a Saddleback in with a Tomato (just to see what would happen, because I...
  6. blutang

    Tassle Filefish is reef compatible???

    Sounds good, I'll probably check it out at Barnes and Noble tomorrow.
  7. blutang


    You can put pretty much anything in with Clowns, however, just make sure its not a predatory fish that can fit them in its mouth....I've seen a Porcupine Puffer munch on a few clowns before.
  8. blutang

    Can anyone ID this anemone?

    It actually looks like a small tube anemone to me. Can anyone else confirm or deny that?
  9. blutang

    longest time between feedings

    Well, its always better to ask than be sorry about it later....have a good trip:)!
  10. blutang

    Tassle Filefish is reef compatible???

    So, is it a pretty thick book?
  11. blutang

    Blue Linkia Stories?

    Thanks!....I got one tonight, and acclimated him really slowly, and then put him in....I have had no problems with my Valentini Puffer as of yet, and the starfish is moving around the tank like crazy.
  12. blutang

    Just posted pics

    Yeah, my Saddleback is definitely a carnivore. Whenever I put my hand in the tank and it gets close to his "precious" anemone he darts out and trys to take a bite out of me:)
  13. blutang


    Bang Guy, Is it because they have nothing to "clean off" in an aquarium?
  14. blutang

    Tassle Filefish is reef compatible???

    Hey Jake, is that book paperback or hard-cover, and is it in color?
  15. blutang

    A surprise during my vacation...

    Yeah, they also say that many popular anemones are caught there as well.....what a job......I would love to do that and breed the fish myself as to keep from using mother natures "tank" too much.
  16. blutang

    longest time between feedings

    See, I was right for once:)
  17. blutang

    Why Isn't My Protein Skimmer Working?

    Oh yeah, I recently added a new pump to my skimmer a Maxi-Jet 1200, and that is making no difference at all.....should I open the venture valve wide open or keep it closed a bit.....the guy at the LFS said that Seaclones work good when the venturi valve is closed quite a bit.....does anyone have...
  18. blutang

    Fish List..

    Watch those Firefish, because they will start up World War III in your tank until one is should be really careful, and make sure they are doing well together at the LFS before you purchase them.....IMO
  19. blutang

    Blue Linkia Stories?

    Anyone else have any info for me?
  20. blutang

    Why Isn't My Protein Skimmer Working?

    My Seaclone has been up and running for about a year now......and not getting much skimmate as of late...I think it is actually because I've had my hands in can it really effect the perfomance of the skimmer that much?