I would definitely put in a school of green chromis.....I think that they are one of my new favorite fish now, simply because they look soooo good in schools. Oh yeah, and a Flame Hawkfish for sure.
Clowns are kinda funny (no pun intended) when they are put into a new tank, they go through this funny ritual of swimming weird and looking at everything.
I think it is something to be a little concerned about, but don't go sounding any alarms just yet.....if you have problems, just rearrange your rock, and that should give everyone a clean playing field.
Yeah, that's pretty much what I had figured......I think I may get one......when acclimating it should I use some type of turkey baster to adjust the salinity slowly?
I've just heard that if they scratch themselves on LR...they will pretty much die, or if you touch them with your hand they will die as well. Is there any truth to this?