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  1. vickicj

    Six Legged Brittle Star?

    Awesome, thanks!
  2. vickicj

    Six Legged Brittle Star?

    So even tho this one has 6 legs it is a brittle star? COOL! That was great luck then...thanks so much!
  3. vickicj

    Six Legged Brittle Star?

    I just came home with some live rock & polyps and am in the process of aclimating and found what looks like a very small, light brown star-fish looking creature, looks very much like a Brittle Star but has 6 appendages? Is this a Brittle Star or something else? I appreciate any clues!
  4. vickicj

    Clicking sounds from tank - Please advise!

    Thanks, you're right, I looked it up after your post and it definitely was a bristleworm - I say was because I pulled it out of the tank :-)
  5. vickicj

    Clicking sounds from tank - Please advise!

    I was looking at my tank and examining closely and found this strange looking centipede type worm - I'm sure this isn't the one that is clicking, but can anyone tell by this pic if this is a baby Mantis or something? It's very centipede like, lots of legs, oval body, looks the same on both ends...
  6. vickicj

    Clicking sounds from tank - Please advise!

    I've heard way too many bad things about both to want either! I don't want to lose my lovely fish to a big mean invader :-) Thanks all!
  7. vickicj

    Clicking sounds from tank - Please advise!

    The clicking sounds more like something being thrown, not rapid-fire like. My tank is in our living room and the sound woke both my husband & me up, so pretty loud! I can't imagine who would want one of those things, but I'll take your advice - I'll call my LFS and ask them if they want it...
  8. vickicj

    Clicking sounds from tank - Please advise!

    Could it have been in the tank for over a year and just now getting big enough to be a problem? And I've heard that fish will start disapearing - I assume this is when they get to be the size this one must be - I can't believe I haven't seen it!!! Thanks everyone - I'm getting the trap today!
  9. vickicj

    Clicking sounds from tank - Please advise!

    Hello, I have a two year old 55 gallon tank - water quality is at optimum levels in all regards. All livestock has been in the tank for at least a year except for a new addition a little over a month ago - I lost my cleaner shrimp (evidently just died of natural causes due to his age) and...
  10. vickicj

    Wanting to start a 10 gal. saltwater aquarium setup

    Hi, it will be difficult for you to keep the water levels healthy in a 10 gallon - 55 gallons is the minimum recommended for a saltwater tank - even a QT tank needs to be larger than 10 gallons (20? min.)- however, there are more experienced aquarists on these boards than me and that's just my...
  11. vickicj

    My Newbie Tank

    binxdakat - thanks! I really like it - want to add maybe a bit more live rock and get a solid color background, but I'm really pleased at the look as well..... Shnabbles - we have an Emporer 400 which has 2 bio-wheels and we have a protein skimmer; regular PC lights - the two anemone's I have...
  12. vickicj

    blue tang problem

    So, feed them that way everytime I feed them...gotcha...thanks!
  13. vickicj

    blue tang problem

    do you soak their food in garlic every time you feed, or once a week, or what?
  14. vickicj

    Why people don't like Damsels?

    Originally posted by DaveB I wonder if using Damsels to cycle your tank is what makes them mean... Maybe living thru that does something to them.. I did not cycle my tank with live Damsels and mine are not mean at all.... :) I didn't use mine to cycle my tank and it is most definitely a...
  15. vickicj

    My Newbie Tank

    Originally posted by lionfish12 I dont like the barbie face thing. ( but you if like it then fine ) your choice Actually it's not Mayan, it's a replica of one of those Easter Island mistake! Just wanted to clarify that one :)
  16. vickicj

    My Newbie Tank

    Thanks for the complement and for the advice! I have had such trouble with that background, and I really want a solid blue background or even black? Anyway, I didn't know about wetting it either, no wonder mine won't stick!! As for the anemones, I have read (and read, and read :-) and most of...
  17. vickicj

    My Newbie Tank

    And one of my Curly Q anemone's...
  18. vickicj

    My Newbie Tank

    This is a pretty good pic of the anemone...
  19. vickicj

    Curly Q Anemone Help?

    Yes it actually is, not alot but maybe enough to cause it distress...I guess I can't get it off it's rock, I can re-arrange the rock to where it's more toward the bottom, will let you know how that works out...thanks!!! (again!!!)
  20. vickicj

    Curly Q Anemone Help?

    Here's the 'happy' curly q...BIG difference in the two....