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  1. vickicj

    No Pods...

    Yes, I do about 10%weekly with RO water, doesn't seem to change anything...I did just start shortening the light cycle, was running the lights 12 hours a day and I read that that might also contribute to higher nitrates, so maybe that will help. I have an emperor 400 plus a protein skimmer and...
  2. vickicj

    No Pods...

    I've had my mini-reef tank set up since February and I have no pods that I can see anywhere - my original LFS (whom I don't patronize anymore because he didn't know what the heck he was doing!) sold me a sand sifting starfish from the this why I have no pods? I have seen on other...
  3. vickicj

    New fish added to tank

    What a pain that must have been! But I can see how that is probably the only way to get one of those devils out - they have a 6th sense about that net! It's so funny when I tried to catch mine, my clown swam INTO the net!!! But of course the damsel was darting around all over the place...LOL...
  4. vickicj

    New fish added to tank

    I have a yellow tail that tried the same tricks, I tried everything to catch it but it is quite aware of the net and evidently knows that it's a bad thing....I finally decided that what I should do is get a bigger fish to keep him in line, and that's what i did, a coral beauty angelfish, who has...
  5. vickicj

    my new fish ... what is it?

    It very much looks like a Dusky Dottyback, or Yellow Dottyback - my marine fish id book has a pic and it looks identical, body shape, eyes, color, tail & fins...says that they will eat ornamental shrimp...they tend to be territorial but disposition varies greatly between individuals...says it...
  6. vickicj

    Mandarin - Green or Psychedelic

    I 'had' a green mandarin, so beautiful!! Unfortunately my goby harassed him to death in one week...the poor thing, no matter where he was in the tank, the goby would rush him & puff himself out, to the point where the dragonet started hanging out at the top of the tank just to escape
  7. vickicj


    You've lost several fish that I'm sure cost more than a test kit yourself (and your future fish!) a favor and buy a test kit next, before investing in any more fish...this way you can make sure all the parameters are right before investing in more possible victims...Bang Guy is right...
  8. vickicj

    Please help ID!!!

    Thank you everyone!!! I'll definitely do all that was suggested....and I really appreciate your help!
  9. vickicj

    Please help ID!!!

    It's hard to tell, but in the left side of your first picture, it looks like you have aptaisia Darknes, I think you're seeing my curly q anemone...
  10. vickicj

    Please help ID!!!

    Thanks!!! I was able to grab one and pulled the entire piece off, should I go ahead and get it all out that way? I will definitely stop using the enhancer too...just tested the water parameters, here's what I have: Salinity 1.024 PH 8.0 Alkalinity 4 Nitrite 0 Nitrates 10 Ammonia 0
  11. vickicj

    Please help ID!!!

    By the way, I don't know what bubble algae you know of anyplace that has pictures of different kinds of algae? I've googled a search on marine algae and lots of info comes up but no the way, thank you for helping me out with this!
  12. vickicj

    Please help ID!!!

    Guess that file was too big, trying again.....
  13. vickicj

    Please help ID!!!

    OK, hopefully this pic will be clearer, here goes!
  14. vickicj

    Please help ID!!!

    I just went and touched it and although it appears like it would be hard, it's not at all! I was able to pull off an entire piece of it in one slimey piece....sorry the pic isn't clear but I minimized it as much as possible, hopefully you'll be able to see what it is....
  15. vickicj

    Please help ID!!!

    Definitely not a sprout, it's very smooth and even, no spores or sprouts coming off it....
  16. vickicj

    Please help ID!!!

    Another pic of the stuff....
  17. vickicj

    Please help ID!!!

    This 'stuff' has started to spread over my live rock over the past few weeks, at first I thought it was good and due to the growth enhancer I use for the LR & LS, but now I'm not sure! Please help me ID this...thanks!!!
  18. vickicj

    New Tank.. couple questions...

    Thanks for the heads up!! I'll visit them after the holiday weekend, I'm actually looking to get some Blue Chromis, I've heard that 5 is a good number, and then in a couple of weeks I need to get a small maroon clown that will hopefully get along with the one I have :happyfish Then my tank...
  19. vickicj

    New Tank.. couple questions...

    Hi Trey, I think I know where you're talking about, the aquarium...haven't tried there but will check it out...i haven't been able to find one that I trust 100% but i guess that's ok, I always do my homework first anyway, but it would be nice to have a LFS that would advise as well...the two...
  20. vickicj

    Feather Dusters?

    I have had this feather duster for about 4 months now and he has stayed on the LR where you see him the whole time...he looks pretty happy there! I haven't tried to bother him so I don't know if he's attached or not, I doubt that he is but again, I don't know for other feather...