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  1. 57chev

    Phosphate- removal of hairy algae

    Beckzilla, you wont get e re-cycle situation in your tank just from cleaning your rock of and putting it back in. Sammiefish, adding a queen conch and an emerald crab and only small water changes like the ones you have mentioned wont do much for a real hair aglae problem. If it does, you never...
  2. 57chev

    Phosphate- removal of hairy algae

    Beckzilla, Here's my speach I've posted a couple of times on the actual only thing I will claim to be an expert on when it comes to reefs. I'm gonna give you my advise on the nasty hair algae curse. Not everone will agree with me on all of what I have to say but I can asure you I've had a reef...
  3. 57chev

    Get a load of this!!!

    Thats amazing. If I thought your bubble would live outside your tank I'd buy it from ya and put in my yard in hopes that it would eat my neighbors dog
  4. 57chev

    too much filtration?

    Not a dumb question at all, that sounds like a great set up! With the way algae can grow at times one has to wonder if we should all have 29 gal tanks with 55 gal fuges! :notsure: In all seriousness though, I dont think you can have to big of a fuge or sump. The more gallons you add to your...
  5. 57chev

    Algae Problem?

    BMW545, I'm gonna give you my advise on the nasty hair algae curse. Not everone will agree with me on all of what I have to say but I can asure you I've had a reef up for over eight years and I've been to hell and back with this stuff and I'll tell you what works, for sure, some of the time...
  6. 57chev

    help...sick kole tang...suggestions needed

    Pro, over the years I've noticed, and have had it happen to me twice with the kole or yellow eyed tang they seem to be subject to the condition you have descibed. Its almost like a white growth or somthing they get inside their jaws, Ive notice that the growth seems to be symetrical to a point...
  7. 57chev

    Water Change Questions

    Water changes are the best thing you can do for any system, think about it, for a fish only system if you did a water change every day you would almost need no filtration at all. Water changes also gives you a great oportunity to vaccuum up any nasties on your rock or what-ever else. The problem...
  8. 57chev

    Ich in a reef?

    Thanks for the imput, I more than likely will plug the UV steralizer back in. I've heard both pro's and con's on them over the years. My own personal experience is that I've used one for about six of the eight years I've had this reef up, and only shut it off recently as an experiment to see...
  9. 57chev

    Ich in a reef?

    I agree q/t tanks are a good idea, but that deosnt garentee that the fish wont contract something months after quarenteen. I've kept tangs for years but no naso's I question at this point if its such a good idea at all to keep the naso tangs. They are different for sure, and with a little...
  10. 57chev

    Is Protien Skimming Enought?

    To answere the question is skimming enough. No its not. Regular water changes are your best, and I believe the cheapest way to keep your water perfect. With a 40 gal set-up consistent small water changes will be simple
  11. 57chev

    Ich in a reef?

    In a 150 reef I have two tangs A purple and a blond naso, I'm suspecting they have ich. The naso is hidding in the reef which is not normal for him, so I cant get a good look at him, but the purple is swimming around and has some ich like spots on him. He is acting mostly normal, he is eating...
  12. 57chev

    I twanged my tang

    I guess I shouldn't have said I tried everything, cuz I didnt try the nori. He will eat lettuce or spinach along with the broc if I put it on the clip. Its just weird that he wont touch anything thats floating in the water even if its right in front of his face weather its meaty or vegi
  13. 57chev

    I twanged my tang

    Thanks for the replies. I guess I will continue to feed em the broc. I just found it odd compared to my other tangs.
  14. 57chev

    I twanged my tang

    I put this thread in the reef section even though its a fish behavior question because Ive noticed over the years the fish Ive kept act different in a reef versus a fish only set-up. So, here's the question. Ive had a blond naso tang for about two and a half or three months now, and when I first...
  15. 57chev

    moorish idol issue

    Wow, she bought all that! Deos she have a sister?
  16. 57chev

    Snails dying

    Gonfishin, I'm gonna give you my advise on the nasty hair algae curse. Not everone will agree with me on all of what I have to say but I can asure you I've had a reef up for over eight years and I've been to hell and back with this stuff and I'll tell you what works, for sure, some of the time...
  17. 57chev

    Progress on my 180

    Ive seen that pic of Dogstar's reef before a didnt have a chance to comment on it. It is one of the best pics Ive seen so far, granted I'm partial to yellow tangs, but I have to say those are very very healthy fish. Nice work!
  18. 57chev

    moorish idol issue

    Bergamer, if your gonna be a lawer, your gonna have to become a better liar, I would say, but the fact that your gal friend is a lawer, man your really in a spot! You may wanna negotiate for the type of a system that would be able to keep some of the fish alive that she wants like 200 gal...
  19. 57chev

    How do I keep the tanks temperature low in the summer months?

    Team2, Tizzo is right it will help a lot to move air across the top of the reef water. If you have a sump put a fan on that to. Its worked well for me I just have the fan kick on when the halides kick on. Another thing I did that my help you is the fans on my hood suck the air in to the hood and...
  20. 57chev

    Emerald crabs what a pain!!!

    Cant really say I've been over impressed with the emeralds I've had in the past. Bout the time one of em was pickin on one of my acros we'd be seeing how it faired out in the street:notsure: