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  1. saltaddict

    Jumping Mushrooms?

    OK I bought some new mushrooms about two weeks ago. The mushroom have never really open to the size they were in the LFS. For the past week I have been finding them all over the bottom of the tank they seem to be jumping and bailing from the rock. The ones at the bottom aren't opening any better...
  2. saltaddict


    Dvskin Could you E-mail me?
  3. saltaddict

    Emergency help

    quazi For the new people to the hobby what do you mean when you say it went sexual?
  4. saltaddict

    29 gallon pics

    It's a Donut Coral (LPS). The picture does not do it justice. It's purple bright green and orange. It's only half open in this picture.
  5. saltaddict

    Trying To Post Picture

    I need new glasses because I sure can't see this!!
  6. saltaddict

    29 gallon pics

    Off Topic but favorite coral
  7. saltaddict

    29 gallon pics

    Here is mine
  8. saltaddict

    Do Peppermint Shrimp eat tube worms.

    My expierence was yes the one I bought ate everything in my tank in less than two weeks. I actualy saw him digging into the tubes to pull the worms out. Oh forgot to mention he no longer lives in my tank he is now back at LFS.
  9. saltaddict

    what will eat my tube worms and apastia

    (Peperment) They ate my two aptasia along with every small feather duster that was on my LR.
  10. saltaddict

    New onset agresiveness in clown

    Im no expert but I take a shot at this one. I believe that clowns when small are all males but as they mature the larger dominant fish will become female and the others will stay female. Your friends fish maybe starting to reach sexual maturity. You may have two clowns that are trying to be...
  11. saltaddict

    HELP: How can I tell if my toadstool is dead

    Thomas712 Well mine has been closed for about 3 to 4 weeks now. It's not melting but has shriveled up some. It's been close so long that algae both green and coraline are starting to cover it. I will try to rub the stuff off to see if anything helps but this was one of my largest corals and it...
  12. saltaddict

    HELP: How can I tell if my toadstool is dead

    Thomas72 I am having the same problem . Your question about phosphte remover got me thinking. I believe mine stopped comming out at about the same time I ran some phosphate remover. Now the coral was near the water return and I recall that because I did not wash it right some powder cloud did...
  13. saltaddict

    My Maxima clam is dying

    I don't want to jump on you but you may also want to consider finding a new home for your carpet or upgrading your lights. Just monitor this site from time to time and read the post you will learn alot of information that will help you in the future.
  14. saltaddict

    First time be gentle

    Kelly Thanks a million.I just resized and my file appears to be proper size to post . OK like I said in the subject the picture is not that great but i'm new at this, Again, Kelly thanks you!!
  15. saltaddict

    First time be gentle

    It failed saying file too big. I'm trying to crop now. Did not know there was a 1 MB limit. I wish it would not post on failure I look like an idiot
  16. saltaddict

    First time be gentle

    Ok here is my first attempt at attaching a picture of my tank. borrowed the camera and took this on Dec 25. It's a picture of the left side of the tank with some of my favorite corals and fish friends
  17. saltaddict

    Toadstool ?????

    First Merry Christmas to all!! Ok me toadstool leather has been closed for about 3 to 31/2 weeks and coraline algae is starting to grow on it. Before that this coral was thriving. At first I just thought it was going thru a rest period prior to shedding. Last week while cleaning the tank I felt...
  18. saltaddict

    Prizm Skimmer

    I have one running on a 29G tankfor about 5 months now. So far i'm more satisfied than not. Like other have said i find that after water changes or when it was new it needed about 24 hours to break in before the bubles stop. A question I have is did you purchase the regular or delux? The delux...
  19. saltaddict


    DVSkin I just saw your post about working LFS in RI. I'm in mass about 15 minutes over the RI border on 146N. There is little or no Saltwater stores in this area. Can you e-mail me directions to that store
  20. saltaddict

    29 Gallon Reefers

    I have one of the new Prizm skimmers rated for 90 G . Once a month I use the media cartrige they provide to run carbon for 3 to 4 days but usually that's empty. I reused a 2000 millenium filter that I had on an old 10 G tank. I removed the mechanical sponge and carbon cartrige and use the extra...