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  1. saltaddict

    120 G

    Thanks for the reply . MLM quick question I like the idea of just one overflow is your tank custome made or is there a vendor out there making these beside AG?
  2. saltaddict

    120 G

    Ok my wife gave me the OK to go bigger. At first I was thinking 90 but I am now considering 120G . My question is if I get 120G All Glass with two built in skimmers. Will I be able to reuse my 29 G tank as a sump or will this be too small to hold the amunt of water that drains if the power goes...
  3. saltaddict

    Firefish question

    Hondo I had one and it also hid most of the time unless there was food. I added 2 more to make a nice threesome and now all if not two are always out and about. believe they feel safer in a group.
  4. saltaddict

    Distilled Water??

    I also have been using distilled for the past 6 or 7 months while I save to buy RO/Di . No adverse effects and sofar also I have no problem with any algae. I just mix it with salt only for the water changes. I keep a jug that's mixed with kent Superbuffer-dkh only for top offs.
  5. saltaddict

    Feather Dusters????

    I have had one in my tank now for the past 4 months. I feed Marine snow 3 times a week. It looks just as heathy today as the day i bought it.
  6. saltaddict

    lost foot !!!!!1

    I have a squamosa now for about 1 1/2 months also laying in the DSB. I noticed what I thought was the foot a white partialy hairy piece for the last 3 or for weeks. Yesterday when I looked at the tank there was the piece sitting on the bottom close but no longer attached . where it was on the...
  7. saltaddict

    Fire Fish

    I currently have a fire fish in my reef tank and have heard that these fish perfer to be in groups of their own kind. Due to tank size I am limited on fish load I want to get another fire fish but while at the store I noticed that they had a purple fire fish. My questions are the following can...
  8. saltaddict

    Ot: I just had to know

    Hate to be skeptical but all three pictures have some type of glass in them and I can see the flash reflecting .
  9. saltaddict

    making "live rock"

    I made the stuff also. After spending $100 in white cement, aragonite sand, and shells made several batches . First batches were bad but I got better at making the stuff. Well 9 weeks curring and my PH was still sky high. Wife was going crazy with an entire bath tub full of this stuff . So I...
  10. saltaddict

    2 pics one question

    Thanks can anyone post a good macro pic of Ricordia also I know that they are very closely related but can anyone explain how you can tell shrooms and ricordia apart?
  11. saltaddict


    Use it all the time cloudy then clear fish will be fine.
  12. saltaddict

    2 pics one question

    No question just thought I share.
  13. saltaddict

    2 pics one question

    When I bought these they were labeled as shrooms at a LFS. But the more and more pictures I see of ricordia have me confused. What is it shrooms or Ricordia?
  14. saltaddict

    some tank pics, and some questions

    scooter8416 That algae is exactly what came with my Fiji rock it will grow into what's in my pic. I kind of like it so I leave it in the tank. It tend to grow quickly and therefore I prune but since it's taking up nutriens from the water I have zero hair Algae.
  15. saltaddict

    Red Sea Salt

    Been using Red Sea for about 8 month. I too got a bargain found 200 Gallons bucket at $23 at a chain LFS. As someone already mentioned it takes longer to disolve but I let mine sit for 24 hours so that is not an issue. I did the switch from IO and have had no problems everything in my tank is...
  16. saltaddict

    Boston lfs

    lolit How far are u willing to travel? There is a LFS in RI "The Fish Bowl" that I started going to about 2 months ago. Great coral selection . Everything is $40 no matter how big or small . There Coral selection is larger than Tropical Isle but they don't have as many fish to chose from. Since...
  17. saltaddict


    Sorry did not finish there is an impeller that when it rotates causes the motion.
  18. saltaddict


    I have one I never installed the top yet it moves back a forth. I don't believe it needs it to rotate. You should be able to have it 6 or more inches below and still rotate.
  19. saltaddict

    Jumping Mushrooms?

    Sorry did finish my sentence with previous post. What has me confused is that they were fine at the LFS under more lights than mine. I placed them high near the top of mine tank tey seemed kind of shriveled then started to drop. The ones that are on the sand aren't any better than the ones on...
  20. saltaddict

    Jumping Mushrooms?

    Baracuda Thanks I'm at work right now. I will try to take a picture in a couple of hours and post again.