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  1. truperc

    ricordea and gorgonian

    Originally Posted by meowzer what is joes juice, and where do you get it? Also...if you use lemon you boil it first???? and how much do you need? Google knows all ;)
  2. truperc

    ricordea and gorgonian

    Sounds good. IMO I would purchase Aiptasia X or Joe's Juice over the peppermint shrimp. Unless of course you just want to have peppermint shrimp. They may or may not eat the Aiptasia.
  3. truperc

    Question Re: death

    You may want to add the baking soda in the short term. You may also want to test the new saltwater's calcium level. The suggestion of meq/l at 4 was because your Ca was at 500. Once you perform water changes, I would expect the Ca will come down and will then be in line with a meq/l of 2.8-3...
  4. truperc

    Why age saltwater?

    Here are the reasons I have heard: - The obvious to disolve all of the salt - Freshly prepared saltwater is caustic and capable of burning and corroding - To balance oxygen/CO2 levels within the water
  5. truperc

    Mixing first batch of saltwater in aquarium

    Originally Posted by Sooner_Reefer Would it be possible to mix the first batch of saltwater in the aquarium with sand in it? Why? I do not see an upside to this
  6. truperc

    Question Re: death

    Hope it works out.
  7. truperc

    Talk about being insulted

    Not that you can do anything about it at this point, but I would imagine the store has a return policy. If the clerk was not honoring the policy, I would have simply called the police and explained the issue. The policeman could have heard the noise as well and talked the clerk into "doing the...
  8. truperc

    Coral ID please.

    Better pics would definitely help. I was thinking monti cap for number 1 in pic 2. Now a shroom and a monti cap are very different, thus the need for better pics. :) Buying more than one coral on a rock is not bad, unless they are not compatible as neighbors and nothing is done to rectify that.
  9. truperc

    Question Re: death

    Originally Posted by vince-1961 Do you think the low alkalinity might have caused, or contributed to cause, so much coral death, especially since I had a lot of calcium precitpitating on walls, rocks, everywhere about the same time as the deaths? (not so much anymore, thankfully) I believe it...
  10. truperc

    Brand of salt

    I found this interesting
  11. truperc

    Question Re: death

    I would still say that your alk is low. For your reading pleasure. If it were me, I would shut down my calcium reactor. IMHO you are not keeping the amount/type of corals that make a reactor necessary at this time. The reactor may be more...
  12. truperc

    Coral ID please.

    First pic appears to be goniopora
  13. truperc

    Question Re: death

    Either you are reporting your alkalinity improperly in this and other threads, or you have a significant problem. You are reporting dkh around 2-3 when it should be 8-12. If you are using meq as your unit of measure then you should be closer to 4 with a calcium at 500. Zoos are subject to...
  14. truperc

    Question Re: death

    I would also suggest you always drip acclimate. Some corals may do just fine with the float, but better to be safe and use drip so you do not shock the coral.
  15. truperc

    Question Re: death

    I would check your alk number again. if you are using meq it should be between 3 and 4 typically. Closer to 4 if your calcium is that high. Some of your corals may have suffered if they were not light acclimated. Cyano or algae blooms may have impacted some of your corals. You may want to check...
  16. truperc


    First and foremost. Welcome to the boards and the hobby. Good Luck!! (as requested ) Most hobbyists are trying to figure out ways to keep more pods (free fish food), so I would not worry too much about it. Once the tank is stocked, you will look back and say. Where did all my pods go , I want...
  17. truperc

    clam question?

    It is a maxima clam. I would put a piece of rock or half clam shell under the sand/clam. It may be moving to the glass to gain some stability, which it does not feel in the center of your sand bed (this may change with a rock under it). Otherwise, it seems just fine.
  18. truperc

    How are you de-plugging your frags?

    There are times when a plug is much more of a nuisance than a help. I am wondering if there are techniques to taking frags off of plugs, or is it mostly just a cut or break operation?
  19. truperc

    What to do with live rock

    FWIW - I bought a tank off someone else that had aiptasia everywhere. I bought Aiptasia - X and killed 90 % of them in about 2 hours. 60 gallon tank with about 50 - 60 lbs of rock for reference Over the next week or so, I killed about 98% of them. I battled with the last 2 % for about the next 4...