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  1. baloo6969

    Dale Earndardt Jr. is going to...

    i bet his old man i turning in his grave
  2. baloo6969


    good luck, noone on here has helped me. I was thinking of the Gen-X Ozone. What are the benefits of using ozone? well the benifits are cleans up your tank. ozone is an it destroys things...the thing is that it can also kill everything in your tank... you must be...
  3. baloo6969

    Need help adjusting protein skimmer

    okokok i got this.... 1 first shut off the skimmer. 2 get a case off beer. 3 drink a beer 4 open the "air line" all the way till the knob just about falls off. 5 drink another beer 6 turn the "pump" to 75% then turn it on 7 drink a beer, if the bubbles go over the cup turn it down "Just a bit"...
  4. baloo6969

    diy mh lighting

    what type of bulbs and ballast? you may need a special type of ballast to start or fire those bulbs...
  5. baloo6969

    sump/fuge size

    but after you do all this, wouldent you just have the tank drilled?
  6. baloo6969

    sump/fuge size

    probably, but u'd have to put a check valve on the 3rd to the right vertical tube...and the Al would have to be on the bottom U ignore this statement
  7. baloo6969


    frankly your not going to get a good RO/DI or a good RO unit at that need to double it to get a decent one.
  8. baloo6969

    sump/fuge size

    idk man, i can see a few uses for it, but it will break a syphon...i made one exactly like the pic, and i was able to break it several times, and it's a bear to get started too.
  9. baloo6969


    did you dose it last night? did you add anything? when i add iodine, i notice my coral banded would always molt the next day...
  10. baloo6969

    RO = boil water??

    the reason they would have a boil order in effect is to kill any virus's/bacteria... a RO filter will NOT remove pathogens from the dont want that water even go through your filter, you may want to bleed out the line before filtering AFTER the order has been lifted... no dont do it...
  11. baloo6969

    Downgrading my 250w MH

    too bad, i'm hurting for $ now. i really need a 20K bulb and reflector and ball...your's would be perfect. If you change your mind and want 4PC's let me know.
  12. baloo6969

    sump/fuge size

    Originally Posted by slade1274 This is a great solution... siphon wouldn't break due to the double "U" design that takes the water down then back up. Also, power outage wouldn't be a problem either as the height of the 2nd "U" coming up determines the water height in the tank. If you notice...
  13. baloo6969

    Downgrading my 250w MH

    do u want to get PC's? want to trade? i got a corallife used for <2 months it's a retro kit 48' 4x65watts. if it's on your could just cut the reflector and put them side by side in your hood.
  14. baloo6969

    Guys Grade This Sump Design!!

    Originally Posted by renogaw that's basically what i did and me!
  15. baloo6969

    awsome deal!

    yes. it's would cost probably 100$ in glass to have baffles cut...but it would be great.
  16. baloo6969

    canistar filters vs. sump

    also, using a premade tank, reduces the risk of blowing a seal...making your own can be dicey...
  17. baloo6969

    canistar filters vs. sump

    Originally Posted by PrevWon Ok I decided that I am going to build my own sump out of 1/4 inch plexi-glass instead of making one out of a tank, due to space. Will it be ok if it isn't very wide, but long and tall? Just remember that for every cubic inch you take away, is another cubic inch of...
  18. baloo6969

    awsome deal!

    use it as a fuge/sump for a 6 footer...
  19. baloo6969

    canistar filters vs. sump

    if you looking to either buy one or the other(because of budget constraints), your better off getting the Can first while the tank cycles...while it's cycling, put in the sump...the DSB/plenium will take a few months to get the layers and bacteria built up anyway... once your tank is up and...
  20. baloo6969

    Converting basic hood light to MH?

    Originally Posted by KarenM It's just the standard black plastic hood that comes in the kit. um then no...first thing is that VHO's can get a little hot, MH's will probably melt the screws that anchor the bulb to the hood. or it would turn your hood into pudding. You would be better off (taking...