Search results

  1. baloo6969

    For Sale or Trade: 55g setup in Central PA

    wait...arent you that young kid that i bought some rock and some pieces from... out of a ~30 gal? you had a nice house with a dog...(maybe 2)...
  2. baloo6969

    For Sale or Trade: 55g setup in Central PA

    too bad your not still in Hazelton...i'm in berwick... you say it's "t is empty and ready to go ASAP" you mean, there is no livestock in the tank?
  3. baloo6969

    Woops, got RO-right FW, instead of SW...

    it's made by Kent, it's to condition the water...i'm thinking i need to find someone who needs this. and do a swap.
  4. baloo6969

    Woops, got RO-right FW, instead of SW...

    I got RO RIGHT "Freshwater", instead of "saltwater"... I'm assuming that if i have a SW tank, i should not use this...since it probably puts the PH ~8.3 and the Alk at ~8-10 correct...
  5. baloo6969

    copper dosed

    poly filters will remove LARGE flowing "Things" your talking about metal that is sooo fine, and in a liquid form... I use the Poly filter pads by corallife that are 100 micron...cut them up, and bust out the needle and thread, and make bags out of them, then cover the line going into my sump...
  6. baloo6969

    My AMQUEL+ Test....minor Nitrate problem...

    Another piece on interest, I just took at look at my Algal mat, the sheet tripled in size since very strange (generaly this would take 2.5 weeks to get this size), and may be where the "nitrates" are *going*, along with the dark sludge that is coming out of the skimmer... I'm very...
  7. baloo6969

    Floating stuff!?!

    Your problem is, that you need to skim closer to the surface, that's where a large majority of the protein you have a protein skimmer? of not pick up one...even a seaclone is better than no skimmer...get the prizm pro deluxe, there not bad for there price, if your in a pinch...
  8. baloo6969

    copper dosed

    ICK ATTACK is NOT copper, it's an organic solution to riding a tank of ICK. Second, If you (or your friend) had actually dosed your tank with copper, there would be NO corals left. Third, if you’ve been doing regular water changes, without making up for the lost copper, then your copper levels...
  9. baloo6969

    Slight Algae buildup.....Sand sifting star OR golby....See pics

    Diatoms maybe in there early stages...!!! Couple of things to suggest, First, this is *normal* in new tank, infact it can hapen as a cycle in some tanks. They suck up "some sort of acid" then go bye bye. When i first had mine set up, it lasted for about 2 months, then went away. 2, vacuum, or...
  10. baloo6969

    My AMQUEL+ Test....minor Nitrate problem...

    UPDATE! Ok, well after the first treatment, Nitrates are ~15…slightly above 10, noticeably less than 20. I’ve noticed that my skimmer pulled some NASTY dark brown, almost black colored gunk. As usual, ammonia, nitrites, phosphate are undetectable. I’m going to give it another 12 hours, then...
  11. baloo6969

    My AMQUEL+ Test....minor Nitrate problem...

    Originally Posted by baloo6969 Even with my RODI, the nitrates after mixing with RedSea OR Corallife has NEVER been below 25. The RODI is no more than 3 months old. I thought it was my RO, returned it, and got a new one (diff brand)…still same thing. Thought it was my test kits, NOPE. I...
  12. baloo6969

    My AMQUEL+ Test....minor Nitrate problem...

    I picked this up today, and went on here to look for a discussion about AMQUEL+ seems as though eveyone says that it only removes Ammonia, which therefore lowers nitrates, as you will see below, I don’t have a Ammonia problem, in fact my nitrates are lowing naturally, through the use of a...
  13. baloo6969

    is prizm pro/deluxe ozone safe?

    well i would not dose the tank with ozone THROUGH the Skimmer, but the dosing in the sump, may cause the skimmer to become brittle, and i want to make sure the Orings in the pump dont blow...or the skimmer fall appart...
  14. baloo6969

    is prizm pro/deluxe ozone safe?

    I doubt it...but had to ask...
  15. baloo6969

    Diatom Filter on a reef tank...

    yea just like a DE pool filter...same's rock (high silica though)... but it's fossilized diatoms(rock hard algae crushed up) my only concern is the sillica...but if the silica remains in the filter bag i cant imagine a problem. Mike, do you(or somone you know) use one on a reef?
  16. baloo6969

    Diatom Filter on a reef tank...

    What's the word on them? I hear there great for "clearing up", but what about removing "good stuff", you all know what I mean. I’ve been thinking, I would be nice to "flip a switch" if guests were coming over one day, and it did some polishing... What do you all think?
  17. baloo6969

    "Pure water club" ro filters

    Anyone use them? does it do a good job of removing Nitrates? there cheep on many sites, and this guy i work with raves about them...i've never used one...but for a 6 stage there around 100$... any idea's or threads about them..i cant find any.
  18. baloo6969

    JBJ Auto-top off Systems for sale!

    john many left?
  19. baloo6969

    lots of stuff for sale

    I'm in newton, 80$ for the RO...what kind though? postback Y/N, and i'll email u.
  20. baloo6969

    WTS 48'Retro CoralLife 4xPC's...WTB 175MH20K

    I just got this Corallife retro Kit 3 months ago, 48' 2x10k 2xblue i will trade it/sell it... I need 1 175 MHballast with a 20K bulb... if your looking to trade let me know...the PC's are on my tank now, but just got a new hood with 2 t5's, and 1 20kMH so i need 1 more...let me know. also i'm...