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  1. baloo6969

    Converting basic hood light to MH?

    depends on the size of the hood. if it's "Tall" > 12 inchs, you could mount MH's in there, if it's < 12, your going to want to go with T5's... is it a light bar or hood?
  2. baloo6969


    Originally Posted by TX Reef Do you honestly think that a little cup full of skimmate is pulling out a significant amount of trace elements?. yes, in college we took a cup of skimmate and ran a sample through a MS, we did this over 1 month, noting when Additives were added, and when there were...
  3. baloo6969


    hummm... it all depends on what type of system you have. if you have a FOWLR then skim24/7. if you have a loaded reef with VERY few may want to skim for 1/2 of the day...skimming takes alot of "good stuff" out of your water, and if your pouring in lots of Expencive additives for your...
  4. baloo6969

    Sump, Skimmer, UV and pump for sale in Allentown,Pa

    i'd give you 50$ for that turbo twist...i'll come pick it up...
  5. baloo6969


    well i take it noone/few even use them on this forum.
  6. baloo6969


    well i take it noone/few even use them on this forum.
  7. baloo6969

    how much does a dsb and chaeto help with trates?

    you will get the best grow with a 6000k bulb...
  8. baloo6969

    some stuff left

    "Bump" to the top...the most recent messages are on the top of the list...if your on page 3 and need $ and have something to sell you BUMP it up.
  9. baloo6969

    Need DIY sump tips

    go with this
  10. baloo6969

    wtb ozoner...

    anyone looking to get rid of one? with a probe, dryer, and test kit would be nice, but i'm just looking for one..
  11. baloo6969


    (I put this on the DIY page, but noone has helped, maybe some help here) Ok I was considering getting one…first thing is, yes I should get one with a probe and air dryer, and an ozone reactor chamber. This I know…. First question is, what size PH should I get to get the water into the react...
  12. baloo6969


    i want one...someone on here has to have some idea's!
  13. baloo6969

    Orbit T-5 48" orbit system for sale Allentown,Pa

    yes. too bad i'd spend 200 for 8t5's, and i'd come get it.
  14. baloo6969

    Water flow for Chaeto?

    that will be enough flow, once that chaeto starts to grow, it will end up in your PH if you have one in the same area as the Chaeto... there is enought flow in your sump/fuge, no need for a PH.
  15. baloo6969


    bummpp i need to know...i'm going to get one.
  16. baloo6969

    Closed minded board?

    Originally Posted by bellaroxio due to Hypo? I am on the 1st day of my Hypo incoming fish. Down to 1.015 and will get to 1.009 within the next 24hours. I am doing this because I believe this board. But has anyone thougt about the stresses to the fish's kidney due to hyposalinity? BTW, my...
  17. baloo6969

    Water flow for Chaeto?

    wait your using a MJ 600 to return the water from the sump/fuge to the DT?
  18. baloo6969

    Closed minded board?

    First I only use meds and copper when introducing fish to my DT. Reasons *mods* as you say, or people on this forum tend to do hypo is because 1 its less stressful to the fish. 2 it's cheaper. 3 it's reliable (in the sense that you can test for levels easier) apposed to 1 tab/10gal/week. 4 it's...
  19. baloo6969

    please help with nitrates

    test your water from the LFS...or your topoff water.
  20. baloo6969


    Ok I was considering getting one…first thing is, yes I should get one with a probe and air dryer, and an ozone reactor chamber. This I know…. First question is, what size PH should I get to get the water into the react chamber? Second, yes ozone is very corrosive, and it must run over carbon...