i bought my beautiful, very healthy and fat blue tang at a shop that had recieved him in a trade in. ive had him for about a year now. he was about 6 inches and bought him for $100
your angels look really nice. if i were you i would try to build the tank around the angels. angels are almost always the centerpiece of any tank. since they are dwarf angels, you could put some really hardy corals in such as colts. i would sell the foxface and naso (naso is really beautiful)...
dude someting similar happened to me. back in the day when i didnt have a sump to use to replenish the evaporated water, i had to pick up the 5 gallon container over the tank and set it on top of the acrylic to pour it in at the top. when i sat it down on top i heard a crack thinking it was the...
if nassarius snails are the ones that live under the sand the DONT GET THEM. tHESE snails are carniverous. when ever a turbo or other algae eating snail fell in the sand, the nassarius snails would eat them, leaving empty shells all over the sand. for sand cleaning, get sand sifting stars...
a tank that big, you shouldnt worry too much as long as you have good filtration. ive added 2 nasos, regal tang and angelfish in my 125g over the course of 4 days (it was kind of an emergency though) but I never had a big problem, other than a little ich. but it helped that I had 120lbs of live...
deffinately i have 4 tangs in my 125g and there not small eithter. most people would think that is cruel, but they get along fine no fighting. when you put the fish in, be shure that there is enogh rock in there and properly aqua scaped so there are caves and crevices. have healthy water so that...
it may take a while for them to eat. my large one wouldnt eat seaweed for three days. and then got bolder and started eating meat a couple weeks later. my seaweed clips are the kind that are held to the front by a magnet and the clip is on a rod on the magnet. the fish like that so they can swim...
my nasos eat anything that falls in the water: pellets, mysis shrimp, blood worms, squid, brine shrimp, krill, silversides, baby clams, angel formula and lots of seaweed.
i see those fish when i go diving in florida, really cool and colorful. i want one but dont have space. wouldnt you need a lot bigger tank than a 150g like >400g cuz these fish get like 1ft long and aggresive.
get a large angelfish but add him last. angelfish are the most colorful, personality, and behavior than any other fish. juveniles for some geneus will transform color and pattern to an ever brighter and unique pattern, angelfish will be the dominant fish in any tank. if you want a showpiece...
thats just unlucky for you. you just got an extremely aggresive sohal. I got a sohal about a month and half ago, a little bigger than yours, and my french angel was totaly destroying the sohal (the sohal would have died in less than a day, the french is the boss). so i put the french in the qt...
id get more rock. To me it looks like you bought dry rock, cant tell for shure. whem you pick out you live rock, I try to get the ones with the most color and algae growth.