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  1. mx mr bean

    Need an easy Auto Top Off

    Im Glad i could help, This is one of the simplist setups enjoy. :)
  2. mx mr bean

    Need an easy Auto Top Off

    Hello Fireykat, there are two setups. The one i bought is for a sump however you will want to purchase the tank mountable setup and clip it on the back or side of your tank. It will prevent the pump from sucking in air by always keeping your water level in check. Not to mention a more balanced...
  3. mx mr bean

    Need an easy Auto Top Off

    Yes its a float switch. And I would recommend purchasing the double switch setup just so you'll know your covered against a flood.
  4. mx mr bean

    Looking for Literature on Breeding Clownfish

    I've become much more interested in breeding clownfish after reading about many aquarists success in this forum. I just was looking for an informative and reputable book on breeding clowns. Any suggestions guys?
  5. mx mr bean

    BIGGEST mistake you've made in the hobby

    Big mistake of buying a pair of banded coral shrimp... they ate my cleaners The other one was when i bought a naso tang and a powdered blue tang at the same time while my 90 gallon wasnt cycled very well.... needless to say i wasted a good $120 but hey mistakes make aquarists better!
  6. mx mr bean

    West Palm Beach Fraggers

    ya i joined them a while ago but i havent been keeping up with them.
  7. mx mr bean

    West Palm Beach Fraggers

    hey guys just looking for fellow aquarists in my area of West Palm Beach, Fl that would be interested in selling frags.
  8. mx mr bean

    acan question for the experienced

    Those red acans are beautiful! Are you interested in fragging a piece off Stanlalee?
  9. mx mr bean

    24"+ Bristle Worm Removal

    awsome keep me updated. id like to use the best method possible.
  10. mx mr bean

    Which surge protector?

    Well I just installed a GFCI outlet behind my tank and I also put a water proof box around it, that I picked up at Home Depot (I feel much better now about the electricity and water deal ). The GFCI outlets are your best bets against any issues such as fires or power surges however every surge...
  11. mx mr bean

    Need an easy Auto Top Off

    I just picked up this double float switch setup at >>><<< but since you do not have a sump you'll want this model which is for hanging on the back of a tank>>><<< (they have single float switch setups too for less money but I...
  12. mx mr bean

    acan question for the experienced

    lots of money
  13. mx mr bean

    Holidays past so what did you get for the tank?!?

    i got a gift certificate to home depot so i used it on some PVC piping and GFCI outlet/ Out door outlet cover. now i have an ball-valve on my drain line :) I also got a double float switch set up so i can now have my tank top off automatically!
  14. mx mr bean

    nuked my tank :(

    Red Slime Remover = BAD... Chemiclean=GOOD :)
  15. mx mr bean

    what do fluidized bed filters do?

    Ya i vaguely remember my bosses explanation of them but i remember him putting one in when i worked at his fish store here in West Palm Beach. He was one of the few that used sand and immediately after placing one on the system the fish started swimming around healthier than ever.
  16. mx mr bean

    RO/DI question

    I add mine right after it comes out of the filter however its better not to add the water straight in. Since the water comes out almost perfect, it is striped of trace elements and pH. I've recently purchased a product called Aragamite (google it). You simply add 3/4 of a tablespoon of the...
  17. mx mr bean

    24"+ Bristle Worm Removal

    will do everyone. I still haven't gotten the chance yet cause of work but this week i will get that trap set and gladly post pics
  18. mx mr bean

    24"+ Bristle Worm Removal

    Ive heard about the two liter bottle method from my buddy but im interested in how this nylon bag works out. keep me updated when you try it CrabbyChris
  19. mx mr bean

    Auto top off
