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  1. worrballer

    Patrick's 10 gal. nano diary :)

    I have some hitchhiker radioactive dragon eyes. One on an encrusting monti (read high flow) and one on striped mushrooms (low - no flow). Both have sprouted babies. But I think they prefer low to medium flow. I'd ask Nano-Newb, he knows zoas. Oh and pics, or it didn't happen lol
  2. worrballer

    Patrick's 10 gal. nano diary :)

    That is up to you. If it is easier to take them out I would. But if it is a pain to move them I'd just take it slow and they'll get out of the way.
  3. worrballer

    hlcroghan's 29 gallon thread......

    You're right, timid was the wrong word. More like peaceful. Yours will perch on your hand? That is pretty sweet.
  4. worrballer

    hlcroghan's 29 gallon thread......

    My first thought is competition for food. Clown gobies are pretty timid creatures. I guess it is just wait and see. I hope he pulls thru, I love clown gobies.
  5. worrballer

    Patrick's 10 gal. nano diary :)

    I'd first try to lay them down and see if you like that before you go busting up your rocks. If they are really porous (which they probably are) you'll just have to be careful with the hammer. I broke up some rock for my old rock wall and there was minimal crushing. Just make sure to wrap the...
  6. worrballer

    frag tank diary

    If it is the stock PC lights I think it'll be fine. One suggestion: Maybe make a 2 or 3 layered rack so you can have varying degrees of light for the corals. Also I heard that sponges don't like like. But I'd look into that more, I'm not to sure. It is looking good though!
  7. worrballer

    hlcroghan's 29 gallon thread......

    Do you have an older, smaller tank you can put him in? You can try to get him to eat that way. My black clown goby was slow to eat in my old 5.5 but then he warmed up. When I put him in the 29 he was still eating like a champ, even stealing some food from my clown lol. But sadly he took a...
  8. worrballer

    Patrick's 10 gal. nano diary :)

    Ya online has the best prices, even with shipping. About the rocks, I don't really know how I'd do it. Except I'd try to clear the sides a little i guess. They look too spread out and precariously perched on one another IMHO. When arranging my rocks I just wanted to get them stacked high with...
  9. worrballer

    29g The Not So Nano... Nano

    Well, it's a cat. It'll lay on top of anything warm lol. But it won't fall in the legs are nice and sturdy. I'd just be worried about cat hair falling into the tank. You might want to think about a glass top.
  10. worrballer

    Patrick's 10 gal. nano diary :)

    I say get either the candy cane coral or the clove polyps if you want some extra movement. As for the rock, see if you can rearrange them. I wouldn't want to get rid of them, you probably can go filter-less with all that rock.
  11. worrballer

    29g The Not So Nano... Nano

    It is nothing special. The fixture comes with legs to sit on top of the tank. The only problem is the cord on the light in front kind of gets in the way of the back fixture, but they still fit. And I have an open top. I try to keep fish that won't jump and I have a piece of eggcrate for new...
  12. worrballer

    SocalNano24s Tank Diary

    Nobody like limp tentacles lol. Sorry that made me laugh. I hope everything is okay for you. Do you have an ATO for your trip?
  13. worrballer

    Need help/suggestions for kind of new 29 gallon

    That is exactly what I have. It was cheaper to buy two of those than to buy one 4 bulb fixture for some reason. This is what I have x 2:
  14. worrballer

    Patrick's 10 gal. nano diary :)

    That sucks man. That is their entire selection? How much is that bubble coral that is in the back?
  15. worrballer

    Patrick's 10 gal. nano diary :)

    What do you think your next purchase is going to be?
  16. worrballer

    Need help/suggestions for kind of new 29 gallon

    I agree, I just wish I could've afforded the 6 bulb like you.
  17. worrballer

    29g The Not So Nano... Nano

    Originally Posted by GreenReefer everything looks nice and healthy. its no fun to keep your hands out of the tank Ah, but that is just one aspect of keeping Saltwater. I'm in the watching/growing/maintaining mode now. There are so many ways to approach this hobby.
  18. worrballer

    Need help/suggestions for kind of new 29 gallon

    Is this a regular glass 29? If so that is awesome, it is a great size tank. I have a 29 AGA. I have 2 Nova Extreme 2x24w T5HO. I keep SPS and have seen great growth. There are a lot more color options with T5, you can really customize it to your tastes. My tank is also drilled with a sump...
  19. worrballer

    Any picos out there?

    I used to have a 5.5 I really miss it. I'm thinking of starting another, but AIO.
  20. worrballer

    29g The Not So Nano... Nano

    Thank you! Since I am trying to save for a 40 breeder I'm keeping my hands out of it and letting it grow. And I still enjoy this hobby! I'm not doing anything and I like it lol. There has to be something wrong with me lol.