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  1. worrballer

    WorrBaller's 40b of AWESOMENESS!!!

    Okay, sorry for the lack of updates and pics but I'll make up for that now. I bought four chromis and now I'm down to two. I bought a tribal, or black, blenny and he died unexpectedly. I now bought a yellow assessor and he is doing great, eating and swimming around. He went to the cave I had...
  2. worrballer

    WorrBaller's 40b of AWESOMENESS!!!

    Some of you might know me. I've posted in the nano section mostly but I just purchased a house and I have finally set up my dream 40b. During the move from the 29 to 40b I lost three fish (I pretty sure it was stress 'cause all of the corals and inverts are fine), a firefish, royal gramma, and...
  3. worrballer

    New tanks rock my socks

    I think I'll turn this into my tank diary. I've been looking for something to fill the hours online anyway lol. So that means an update: The tank is drilled (2 1.5" durso drains and 1 3/4" return). I have the drains on the left of the tank and the return on the right. Just like my 29. One...
  4. worrballer

    New tanks rock my socks

    That is what i decided on finally. I'm getting all the stuff so i can get the tank the way i want then come moving day i'll take down the 29 and fix the stand. It makes me a little nervous that the stand won't be ready 'til last minute but I think I can get it ready in time.
  5. worrballer

    New tanks rock my socks

    It was a Planet Eclipse Etek Ego.
  6. worrballer

    New tanks rock my socks

    True, it would be twice the work wouldn't it? Set up 40b at in-laws then move it vs. Move 29 into 40b with the house move I'm just worried about leaving the fish in buckets while I get the stand ready. They would be fine for a few days if I put a powerhead and heater in with them right?
  7. worrballer

    New tanks rock my socks

    Thanks for the responses guys! Originally Posted by GeoJ I would put the 40b in the new house get it going then at the end of the move-in transfer the live-stock. Being family you could leave the 29gal till the 40 gets established... I'll be using the stand, protein skimmer and sump from my 29...
  8. worrballer

    New tanks rock my socks

    Been a while since I posted and now I have great news ! I finally sold my paintball gun and can upgrade to my dream tank! 40 breeder here I come ! But I am running into some logistical problems. I'll do my best to explain but let me know if you guys need clarification. Here is my situation...
  9. worrballer

    hlcroghan's 29 gallon thread......

    My suggestion(s): Make sure the new place is ready for the tank Place all fish and corals into a bucket (or separate buckets if you have a lot of corals) Place live rock in bucket(s) Set up heaters and powerheads in the buckets while you tear down the rest of the tank. If you can afford it throw...
  10. worrballer

    brand new 20g setup

    Okay, just a warning, you will get a lot of people bugging you about the mandarin thing. Try to talk to hlcrogan on this site. She/he has a green mandarin that is fat and happy. What are you thinking as far as clean up crew?
  11. worrballer

    New Corals!!!

    Get a tester kit first, then start dosing on the things that are low. But if you have good salt a water change brings levels up. Also you can try increasing your water change schedule and the amount you change. How much water do you change those two times a month?
  12. worrballer

    brand new 20g setup

    Welcome to SWF! Get ready for a ton of advice. My advice: research research research! Doing your own research on what people suggest will help you in the long run. Oh and a consistent water change schedule will help you immensely. So on to some suggestions: Don't get a mandarin. At least...
  13. worrballer

    29g The Not So Nano... Nano

    Originally Posted by patrick8929 tanks looks great! i lone your rock work, and the tank is so clean keep it up LOL thank you but that is the power of selective shots. It is really dirty to be honest. I have brown algae on the sand, powerhead, and back wall. It looks pretty bad. What i need...
  14. worrballer

    Patrick's 10 gal. nano diary :)

    Good choice! I really like mine. That damsel is perfect for your tank. Great color and activity, I bet he is fun to watch. You can't really appreciate him in the pictures, good video.
  15. worrballer

    29g The Not So Nano... Nano

    Thank you for the nice words! Flatworms, sorry did I say fireworms? My bad, I must've been tired. And ya he eats them all day long. It is fun to watch him hunt through the rocks.
  16. worrballer

    29g The Not So Nano... Nano

    Talk to Spanko, he put pond netting in window frames and it looks really good.
  17. worrballer

    Patrick's 10 gal. nano diary :)

    The lid needs to be air tight The valve should be open The tube in the tank should be fixed The reservoir needs to be elevated above the tank Obviously test this out, it was just an idea I had and I haven't worked out any bugs it might have.
  18. worrballer

    Patrick's 10 gal. nano diary :)

    'Scape looks incredible. A million times better! One top off option I have been thinking about doing myself is to take one of those water containers you put in your fridge and make that an ATO. It has a big lid on top and a valve to get the water on the bottom. My idea would be to hook up a...
  19. worrballer

    29G Nano (SaltyMarine)

    Looking really good I like your GSP and the toadstool.
  20. worrballer

    DC's new 12g Aquapod nano reef setup

    I think you can scrape the back off of the middle chamber and attach/direct any light you want to that area. It is just paint or a sticker or something. I've seen this done, I just don't know if it is an aquapod.