Search results

  1. mrinelfrlz

    Losing Sand Cleaning To Much Help!!

    Originally Posted by dmjordan why are you siphoning your sandbed???? because i have this stuff on the sand bed still and when i do my water changes i try to suck up as much as possible at a time i try not to take any sand with it but i cant help but take some every snail i have along with the...
  2. mrinelfrlz

    Losing Sand Cleaning To Much Help!!

    ok i have a problem ive been siphoning so much ive lost alot of sand in the process in places its only 1/4" and i still cant seem to rid myself of this filt i checked phosphate and its says below 0.03 and that as writen by SALIFERT should be fine but i still cant shake this stuff anyway my...
  3. mrinelfrlz

    How Many From Missouri??

    cool more people then i thought
  4. mrinelfrlz

    How Many From Missouri??

    THATS BETTER !! nice to meet everyone im from eldon (lake ozark area) its nice to know im not alone
  5. mrinelfrlz

    How Many From Missouri??

    come on their has to be more people then just me from here dont tell me im all alone?
  6. mrinelfrlz

    Phosban Reactor 150??(will It Work?)

    Originally Posted by mx Mr Bean ull always want them in a bag but to tell u the truth i bet it would work in the refugium. as long as water flows through it the media will suck out the phosphates. cool i just may try that thanks once again
  7. mrinelfrlz

    Phosban Reactor 150??(will It Work?)

    Originally Posted by mx Mr Bean sry i dont kno much about canister filters but u could try adding phosgaurd (tiny white balls that remove phosphates) and carbon inside. thanks my old test kit (cheapo) didnt read anything so im trying SALIFERT i have already bought a few test kits from them...
  8. mrinelfrlz

    Chocolate Chip starfish question

    Originally Posted by laurie01 I have a question about feeding my chocolate chip star. From reading this site, I was under the impression that I have to spot feed a piece of shrimp, krill, silversides or something like that (even though the guy at the LFS I bought him from said he doesn't do...
  9. mrinelfrlz

    best way to keep sand clean?

    Originally Posted by Buckeye88 I have a 16 gallon tank that I've had for about 6 months now and I am getting brown gross looking alge or something that is constantly growing on it. I was just wondering what is the best way to keep the sand clean? i have the same stuff and i have to keep...
  10. mrinelfrlz

    How Many From Missouri??

    ive noticed there are alot!! of people from florida here LOLyour lucky!! anyways im just wondering how many are there from the great show me state ( SHOW ME ) go MO go
  11. mrinelfrlz

    Phosban Reactor 150??(will It Work?)

    Originally Posted by MrineLfRlz BUMP? BUMP?? if no one knows if this will work with my set up is there anything else i will be able to use to rid me of phosphors? i also have a hang on type refugium with chaeto in it thanks
  12. mrinelfrlz

    Test results was happy until I tested the last thing

    Originally Posted by chub I cant get any coraline growth. I had the water tested and the calcium was 300, I use IO salt and have almost a full pail. Is there any thing I can add once a week or so to bring it up, Im gone most of the week and getting some just to feed and do top offs right can be...
  13. mrinelfrlz

    Test results was happy until I tested the last thing

    Originally Posted by wilsonreef I use Tropic Marin Pro Reef with excellent results. i just found a good place that sells this stuff and from the look of it its for a great price but i was also reading up on "KENT" type salt what is peoples take on it i already use a number of there aditives
  14. mrinelfrlz

    What Kind Of Algae Is This????

    ok ive been really busy trying to fix my problem RODI unit,CUC,water changes frequent,clean clean and clean some more now im going to have to add more sand ive cleaned so much also bumped up my flow now ive added 45lbs more LR for more bio filtering (IM DONE FOR A WHILE MAN IM TIRED )...
  15. mrinelfrlz

    ADDING 50lbs more LR need curing advice

    did full water change testerday and today all ammonia tested less then>0.25 so i went ahead and put them in i really like it here are the old and new pics
  16. mrinelfrlz

    Test results was happy until I tested the last thing

    Originally Posted by reefkprZ IO salt is designed for fish ONLY aquariums. period. yes people have succesfully used it on reef tanks. but thats not what it is designed for. IO Reef Crystals IS designed for reef tanks. IF you use IO on a reef tank its not the mixes fault, its the fact that its...
  17. mrinelfrlz

    Test results was happy until I tested the last thing

    Originally Posted by mie my calcium has steadily declined to about 320 i have tried to raise it slowly but i cant get it up past 340 i read that sometimes the magnesium is the prob. that it wont let calcium go any higher get a magnesium test kit
  18. mrinelfrlz

    "HELP ME"turnover rates and flow options??

    i was also told to calcium brings alk. down as it goes up and that its a balancing act also adding another 45lbs of LR from this site is curing now to my 50lbs in it now to help purify water even more
  19. mrinelfrlz

    "HELP ME"turnover rates and flow options??

    Originally Posted by CGRANT If you have a algae problem something is wrong? What is you flow rate now? List your params. I target ~20 time for a fowlr ~30 times for a mixed reef, ~40 times for sps dominated tank. Really depends what you are planning on keeping. well when i first got my tank i...
  20. mrinelfrlz


    you need about 3-5 gallons of water per inch of fish example 3-fish that are 3 inches each how big of a tank can they be in? 3x3=9x 3-5 gallons we will do 5 so 3x3=9x5=45 gallon tank is needed hope this helps