I have a Nintendo DS and its getting boring. Is the psp any good? I know it could download songs and watch movie and play games that have great graphics, how long is the battery life for the psp?
this sounds pretty lame....but it works.
I go to the kitchen where the ro system is and take 5, 1gal milk cartons and fill it up.....:notsure: ......I'm weird
Well i think i might wanna place a few mushroom coral in my 55gal. Just a few.I have these lites that are florescent but they are the florescent lites for corals, know what i mean. Would i need a BIG skimmer? I got an sfe and a frogfish
I have a 55gal with a eel. I was planning on getting a anglerfish but none of the lfs store have them . So what are some other good fish i could put in my 55gal? I dont want a lionfish. I'm very bummed out right now.
sargassum fish are like anglers. All the sargaasum fish i have seen where small. Has long as the sargassum fish is bigger then your angler and lion then it will be fine. Has long has the angler and sargassum fish are bigger then the lion all will go well. HAVE AWESOME FILTERATION!!!!!!!!!!!!
What kind of angler do you have? I think it was you who had the angler on here? Is it normal for anglers to lay on their sides? Andd was it easy for you to train the angler to eat frozen?