Search results

  1. chaoticdamsel

    Sadistic Crab --- Ethics Question

    Is it natural? Yes. Cycle of life, survival of the fittest, whatever you want to call it. Is it something you want in your reef tank? Probably not. There's no way to tell what kind of crab he has based on your description, but I'd never keep anything with that kind of behavior in my reef...
  2. chaoticdamsel

    What are you opinions on...

    Originally Posted by crypt keeper they will kill each other in your 34 unless you get small ones all at the sametime and none bigger than another +1 Chromis are a lot more docile than other damsels, but they are more likely to get aggressive if crowded. I never had any trouble with my green...
  3. chaoticdamsel

    My new puppy~ yellow lab

    He is so adorable!!! I just want to cuddle him for hours. I'm assuming you're trying to crate train him. If so, you might consider putting a stuffed animal in the crate with him, something big enough that he could cuddle with like it was one of his littermates. A ticking alarm clock outside...
  4. chaoticdamsel

    I'm Done!!! I'm Leaving!!! Crimzy's Outta Here!!!

    You had me going there for a moment. I was like... "Wait, what? Someone else is leaving? WTH?"
  5. chaoticdamsel

    First Nano.. its addictive..

    Very nice! I love the rockwork.
  6. chaoticdamsel

    Updated SPS tanks pics!

    That thud you just heard was the sound of my jaw hitting the floor. Stunning tank!
  7. chaoticdamsel

    ID of snail..

    If it were me, I'd get rid of him. It's hard to tell for sure from the pictures, but from the behavior you described, it sounds like a type of whelk. They look kind of like nassarius snails, but they are voracious carnivores that will kill and eat snails. They also like to munch on clams...
  8. chaoticdamsel

    Had 5 blue damsels, now I have 2 why did that do that!

    Probably. Damsels tend to be very territorial. With the exception of some green chromis, I've never had any luck with damsels of any kind. Every single one I have ever owned (except the green chromis) has been an evil little SOB and had to be taken out of the tank and returned to the LFS.
  9. chaoticdamsel

    Snail Question

    I've never heard of a snail going carpet surfing. I wouldn't worry about them.
  10. chaoticdamsel

    Do You Think SW Aquariums Are Addicting? Poll

    Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33 So, just as the thread title says. Do you think saltwater aquariums are addicting. If you think they are, why? If not, why? What makes you so obsessed? Saltwater aquariums are definitely addicting. I can't walk into my LFS without buying something. It...
  11. chaoticdamsel

    Parents will like this

    I got this in an email recently. I laughed so hard I cried.
  12. chaoticdamsel

    crab id PLEASE

    Originally Posted by TexasMetal Could be an acro crab, most likely. +1 And it's not really necessary to post the same thing on multiple forums.
  13. chaoticdamsel

    crab id

    It looks like a common acropora crab. Acro crabs are harmless and live in harmony with their associated coral. They will die if separated from it.
  14. chaoticdamsel

    What is this? and is it bad?

    Originally Posted by T316 +1... Get some Joe's Juice and kill it now. It will only spread from here. +1
  15. chaoticdamsel

    Teen trends?

    I keep seeing teenagers out there in 80s trends... neon colors, leg warmers and various other things that make me cringe. Let the fashion of the 80s die, PLEASE.
  16. chaoticdamsel

    Good members I dont see to much of anymore! For one reason or another!

    I haven't seen these guys in awhile... miss them... RyeBread NM reef Thomas712 Kip (can't remember his exact username)
  17. chaoticdamsel

    Flatworm ID - Cranberry? Anyone?

    LOL... I've only got 5 of these things that I know of. Cranberry - If you can just tell me what you would suggest as far as packaging, I'll find it around here and get these sent off to you. I've got a bag that I can put some water and the flatworms in, but is there anything special I need to...
  18. chaoticdamsel

    Frogfish in a 6 gallon Nano?

    A 6 gallon nano is WAY too small for any kind of angler. A little bitty tank like that can handle one small fish, like a clown goby or something similar in size. And even then, daily top offs and weekly water changes are a must to keep the water parameters in line.
  19. chaoticdamsel

    Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire

    I tend to follow the "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all" philosophy. If I don't think the tank is pretty, I won't compliment it, but sometimes there is a specific coral or fish that can be complimented honestly.
  20. chaoticdamsel

    Whats the best way to catch a fish?

    Originally Posted by crypt keeper who ever thought of that needs a job for a marketing firm. I agree. The whole thing looks a little ridiculous, but you can't argue with the results.