Search results

  1. chaoticdamsel

    Please help me choose my last fish!!!

    Sixline wrasse, perhaps? It's a beautiful and active fish.
  2. chaoticdamsel

    Could my marine tank be toxic and crippling me?

    Is there anything in your tank that might be putting stray current into the water? And you really should invest in a good pair of rubber gloves... the long kind that go way up your arms.
  3. chaoticdamsel

    Few new pictures

    Beautiful! I haven't quite gotten the nerve up to try my hand at a seahorse tank, so I respect anyone who takes the plunge and keeps these beautiful creatures. Maybe one day...
  4. chaoticdamsel

    New at this ( good or bad color Algae?)

    Is the algae hard or is it more of a slime like consistency? If it's slimy, then it is likely cyano bacteria, which occurs commonly in new tanks during the cycle.
  5. chaoticdamsel

    Trying to catch a wrasse?

    Check your other thread for replies. And you'll probably get better responses if you only post a question once, rather than posting the same thing in multiple places.
  6. chaoticdamsel

    Tang Police

    I don't think the point here is to dissuade experienced members from pointing out to new hobbiests what they are doing wrong. People only learn from their mistakes if they know they have made mistakes in the first place. However, that criticism and correction has to be done in a polite and...
  7. chaoticdamsel

    Bristleworm Question

    Originally Posted by keith burn 'AWW YOU GUYS MADE ME INK
  8. chaoticdamsel

    Whats the best way to catch a fish?

    I have used the bottle trap method for several damsels and a couple pseudochromis with great results. Sometimes I catch the wrong fish, but you just pull the trap apart, let the fish out, reset it and try again. I've never had it take more than a week to catch the fish I want. Here's a basic...
  9. chaoticdamsel

    HELP! I'm Mr. Mom tonight...

    Originally Posted by socal57che I once read that acetaminophen was the #1 cause of liver disease in children. Google "acetaminophen and liver disease"... Acetaminophen can cause liver damage in both children and adults when it is overdosed. Unfortunately, a lot of parents are too quick to...
  10. chaoticdamsel

    HELP! I'm Mr. Mom tonight...

    Originally Posted by YearOfTheNick This is what I needed to hear... I think she IS smart enough to know when she's setting a trap for me to fall into. And she's relentless about it too... we're talking like an hour here she was crying... and there was NOTHING wrong, except that she wanted me...
  11. chaoticdamsel

    Flatworm ID - Cranberry? Anyone?

    Sure, I'd be happy to send some to you! Some tips on the best way to extract and ship them would be appreciated, especially if you're wanting live specimens.
  12. chaoticdamsel

    Vitamin C Dosing?

    I'm interested to watch this thread too. We used to dose Vitamin C in our fish food back in our 175 gallon. Over the course of several years, we never had an ich outbreak... and we didn't QT anything before adding it to the tank. That could just be coincidence and sheer dumb luck, but I'd be...
  13. chaoticdamsel

    How small can I go?

    Originally Posted by King_Neptune cool. so all regular rules to SWF apply? or is there specific nano rules? i hear they are harder to maintain. but thats about all i know. Like Debbie said, they need daily top offs and weekly water changes to keep the water quality in line. They aren't hard...
  14. chaoticdamsel

    Over 21 please! Tequila LOVE IT OR HATE IT, you decide!

    Tequila is EVIL.... but oh so good in margaritas.
  15. chaoticdamsel

    Flatworm ID - Cranberry? Anyone?

    Waminoa sp.? Cranberry, didn't I see you all hot to trot to get your hands on one of these in an old post? That looks a lot like what I have though. I was able to finally snap a couple pics, although as stated, I suck at macro shots. One of the flatworms has actually split to become two...
  16. chaoticdamsel

    Flatworm ID - Cranberry? Anyone?

    I looked at pictures of those and what I have doesn't quite look like them. I'll try again tonight to get a pic.
  17. chaoticdamsel

    Flatworm ID - Cranberry? Anyone?

    I've done my due diligence and searched the board and google and haven't found any pictures of flatworms that look like what I have. I've got three of these little guys that hang out on the glass right at the top near the waterline. Most of the flatworm pictures I found are of more elongated...
  18. chaoticdamsel

    Does anyone have any Reef-safe Invert Suggestions?

    Originally Posted by woody189 I'm DEF gonna get a cleaner shrimp. I really like their personalities too. See, if I had read your original post a little closer, I would have seen that you mentioned a cleaner shrimp. It's getting late and my brain is definitely fried if I'm missing the...
  19. chaoticdamsel

    How small can I go?

    JBJ makes a 6 gallon nano cube.
  20. chaoticdamsel

    Does anyone have any Reef-safe Invert Suggestions?

    What about a cleaner shrimp? They are pretty and have great personalities. I don't think any reef tank should be without one.