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  1. hawkfish203

    Tank Moving Question????

    Everyone made it threw the move
  2. hawkfish203

    Frayed Clownfish

    Could be fin rot. Fin rot can be caused by poor water conditions, the PH can be too high. So now you might be dealing with a bacterial infection. Can be fixed with water changes or may need bacterial meds, but to be sure I would need your water parameters and a pic of the fish would help.
  3. hawkfish203

    Tank Moving Question????

    Not looking to good for my eyeline
  4. hawkfish203

    52G pred tank

    Dwarf lion and leopard puffer would be fine. Think antenna lion is a dwarf, but im not too familiar with it.( same as zebra?) Puffers will eat snails and crabs don't think they will eat starfish or urchins.
  5. hawkfish203

    Tank Moving Question????

    Todays the big move(scared) hate moving tanks!
  6. hawkfish203

    Sharing my new anemones (w/ photos)

    Nice looking tank! Love that first anemone pic
  7. hawkfish203

    1200 Gallon reef

    Some of the lighting does seem unnecessary, but those solatubes are very cool, and tank is wicked cool 4sure.
  8. hawkfish203

    Got a Hippo today. Wedged under rock

    Good to hear!
  9. hawkfish203

    Got a Hippo today. Wedged under rock

    Not sure where u heard that but, I would test it to be sure it is copper and should be maintained at a lvl of 1.5-2.0ppm. And by what your telling me it sounds like the is there is a toxin in the water causing the blotches in turn I would say it could be caused by to high copper lvl. Here is...
  10. hawkfish203

    Got a Hippo today. Wedged under rock

    I wouldn't mix the two there two different types of copper meds. Which may need different test kits also. Larger spots can be caused by poor water conditions or maybe you have too much copper in the tank already (toxic lvl). I would make sure your using the right test kit. Maybe run some carbon...
  11. hawkfish203


    Thanks aqua! I knew someone would come threw with more knowledge then myself. All I knew was they were on the smaller side of the groupers. So having that toxin like aqua said, I would assume they are what you would call a "expert only" fish, so be very careful.
  12. hawkfish203

    How long should I cycle my tank?

    Could you post your parameters. Also what are you thinking of getting?
  13. hawkfish203


    Should be fine with what you have in the tank tho!
  14. hawkfish203

    Tank Moving Question????

    Great thanks!
  15. hawkfish203

    Tank Moving Question????

    Maybe I should start a new thread for this one!
  16. hawkfish203

    Lion fish only eating mysis.... need some help

    I would like to add to what chain said you should always soak your food in vitamins in my IMO. As for ghost shrimp they are freshwater so don't feed him them for a long period of time. When he gets a little bigger he my go after some larger foods. Hang in there it my take alittle but id def...
  17. hawkfish203


    I am not positive but I think that is one of the smaller groupers. So I would say that it would be fine. They will still eat anything that will fit in there mouth.
  18. hawkfish203

    Lion fish only eating mysis.... need some help

    Lions need more then just mysis but if thats what hes eating right now they make pretty large mysis I'd try getting some of those. Also try a feeding stick with a silverside on it. They like live food so you have to try and make seem alive. You could not try feeding him for a couple weeks then...
  19. hawkfish203

    Tank Moving Question????

    So I'm finally moving the tank on Saturday! I have a couple of questions. First I bought about 15lbs of dry aragonite sand and was wondering can I add it during the move or would it possibly cause a ammonia spike (Maybe mix it with the old sand when I take it out)? Second I took down my 75 and I...