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  1. blutang

    NEED HELP!!! Taking care of anemones

    By the way, I just feed my anomones a whole Krill Shrimp every other week. Later!
  2. blutang

    NEED HELP!!! Taking care of anemones

    Do you have powerheads in your tank, and are the anomones in the path of the strongest water movement.
  3. blutang

    Herbivore food recipes?

    The three foods of my choice are brocolli, romaine lettuce, and a constant feeding of Seaweed Selects.....I'm really happy with the pre packaged seaweed. Later!
  4. blutang

    The things are killers...

    Well on the other hand I have a CBS horror story. I watched a CBS pick on and kill a Lawnmowor Blennie that was like 3 inches long. Its a shame that the LFS guys didn't listen and take those two out of the same tank. Later! It was probably because of the close quarters that the CBS ate the...
  5. blutang

    Flame Angel Compatibility

    Yeah make sure that if you are in fact going to add more fish, that the Flame is the very very last.
  6. blutang

    organisms in the tank

    If you've recently added some live rock it could very well be mysis shrimp. Later!
  7. blutang

    OMG!!!! Another clown question..

    That happens when clowns start to grow and age....its totally normal and I wouldn't worry about it.
  8. blutang

    Salinity argument

    I don't even think you need to add RO water....just add it from the tap.....I have always done that and have had no problems what so ever. Later!
  9. blutang

    NitrAtes question

    With such a small tank your gonna have to watch you levels very very closely. I would advise to maybe only feed 3 times a week and very sparingly at that. later!
  10. blutang

    What's The Most You Have Ever Spent On A Fish

    Hey jaspierce, Do you have all those fish in your 75 gallon?
  11. blutang

    Can I add a Purple Tang to this tank

    I wouldn't advise the mixing of two tangs no matter what size tank you have........from what I've heard Sailfins can be really really agressive.....I've seen them pick on a Powder Blue until it died. Later!
  12. blutang

    How Many Hermits Should I Get For My 46 Gallon Bow

    Thanks for the input....I always appreciate a second opinion. Later!
  13. blutang

    where can I get pics to identify fish ?

    Its a Yellow Coris Wrasse......I'm pretty sure of far as finding pictures of can go to most online retailers of livestock. Later!
  14. blutang

    Which anemone goes with tomato clown?

    I have a condy anemone and my Tomato stay a long ways away from it.....I wonder why.....LOL
  15. blutang

    How Many Hermits Should I Get For My 46 Gallon Bow

    Well in my opinion I think that in a tank were food is more concentrated and can cause a nitrate build up if its not taken care of. Later!
  16. blutang

    why would my ph go down

    Usually when you have a full load of fish your pH is something that you have to always watch as well as your nitrates. Later!
  17. blutang

    What's The Most You Have Ever Spent On A Fish

    Thats pretty funny.....LOL.....what a deal for a Snapper :D
  18. blutang

    ph is down

    I would get a little canister of Seachem Marine Buffer to get that Ph back up to 8.2. Later!
  19. blutang

    Flame Angel Compatibility

    Yeah I would say just watch out for the tang nipping at the Flame Angel...otherwise you should be fine. Later!
  20. blutang

    Can you ID these little worms in my tank?

    A good way to see if they are good for your tank is to see if some of your fish are eating them......I would also take a sample to your LFS, and they should be able to identify them quickly. Later!