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  1. mitremark

    pic's of our 7 month old 135

    here is some pics of our tank after moving it 2 wks ago. so honestly what do you think? All the corals and fish survived. was orginally set up as a room divider but is now against a wall in the new house. although, we like the over flows on the ends no matter where it is. want to add more...
  2. mitremark

    my 350

    Good looking tank. What kind of fish is in the forth pic?
  3. mitremark

    jumping clowns?

    Here is the overflow picture.
  4. mitremark

    jumping clowns?

    Yes, we just added a yellow and purple tang to our 135 gallon and they are quite large so we know that is why he is a little intimidated. But we never thought it possible to get in the overflow boxes. Will have pic of overflow shortly. Suggestions most appreciated. Thank You!!
  5. mitremark

    jumping clowns?

    One of my clown fish is getting into the overflow box???? I have no idea how this is happening, unless he is jumping? Surely the slits at the top of the box are too small for him to fit thru. Please help me determine how this is happening so I can stop him.
  6. mitremark

    new tank came in today. "diary"

    Sure, the "T" slips on the pipe to the bulkhead so that will work just fine.
  7. mitremark

    new tank came in today. "diary"

    If you will use Durso standpipes or something similar you will loose the waterfall noise from your overflows. Check out I use them, built them myself (very easy), and I have very little noise.
  8. mitremark

    Where do you guys buy cabinet doors?

    I bought mine from a guy I now that has a cabinet business. I would at least call a cabinet shop for a price, never know?
  9. mitremark

    Question about water levels

    The more posts I read about water levels the more confused I get about what I thought was right. So what are the ideal water levels and what comes after ammonia nitrate or nitrite?
  10. mitremark

    Actinics on Coralife Fixture Not Working

    You might want to check the ballast plugs and make sure they are pluged in all the way. When I boughtmine one of the ballast plugs was loose adn the light would just flash when it was turned on. By the way do your cooling fans run the whole time your 10000K bulbs are on?
  11. mitremark

    Microbubble from a Super Skimmer

    Are you also using the bubble diffuser that came with the skimmer?
  12. mitremark

    Microbubble from a Super Skimmer

    I have a CSS220 and I'm having trouble with it put out microbubbles into my sump which the return pumps are then putting into the main tank. I have tried moving the return hose to the ebd away from the pumps but I did not help. I was wondering if anyone else has had similar problems.
  13. mitremark

    plans for a canopy?

    I built mine 73x19 (for a 72x18). I used 1x10 oak to make the outside and stained it to match my stand. I am not using MH lights so the top is only 8 inches above the tank. Just filling my tank so the canopy is sitting in my dining room floor so no pictures until FRI.
  14. mitremark

    Mixing Salt

    I have just finished filling my tank and checking the plumbing and pumps. now I'm ready to mix the salt. Is it as easy as just pouring it in and letting the pumps mix it?
  15. mitremark

    Overflow question

    If I understand correctly because I'm using 1 1/4" hose that would mean i would need at least a 2" "T" so that the hose will be big enough to drain freely.
  16. mitremark

    Overflow question

    When setting up a tank with 2 overflows is it okay to have the 2 drain lines meet at a "T" and then drain into the sump or should each drain line empty into the sump by itself?
  17. mitremark

    aga 210 has crack in corner

    efishnsea how long has your tank been set up? I am just setting my tank up and found a buble in the front and was wondering about the strength of the glass
  18. mitremark

    Coralife Skimmer, Input Please!

    I agree, go bigger. I'm going to use a CSS 220 on my 135 gallon. Check out big als site best price I found.