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  1. jferrier

    Red slime in refuge

    I can't answer that for sure , I just assumed that the excessive macroalgae consumed so many nutrients there was nothing left for the cyano. All the hair algae was on the surface mixed in the caulerpa and it disappeared too.
  2. jferrier


    By boiling the lr you have now you will kill any beneficial bacteria as well that are responsible for helping break down excessive nutrients. Just remove it and scrape it off with a toothbrush. Adding more lr should help though . A refuge has worked wonderfully for me. No more hair algae in the...
  3. jferrier

    Red slime in refuge

    Not sure what you mean by a small ph, but I had cyano in my refuge for the first couple of months along with some hair algae. Once the caulerpa really started flourishing though, all the other stuff went away.
  4. jferrier

    Macros or Xenia in a refuge.

    You said it nm reef!
  5. jferrier

    Anybody in a mobile home?

    That was just an analogy to spare you the load calculations of pounds per sq. inch exerted on the floor members. Of course a 75 gallon hex will exert more load per sq. inch than a standard long tank because the load force is concentrated on less surface area. My point is that even trailers have...
  6. jferrier

    live rock surprises

    I've found a couple of mean looking brown crabs and a "hairy" mushroom, some some small brittle stars and an unidentified starfish, and a purple spined urchin.
  7. jferrier

    Anybody in a mobile home?

    O also how did you move everything? I was planning to do it all in one day and take about 2/3 of the water and replace 1/3. I'm concerned about stirring the sand bed up too much in the move though.
  8. jferrier

    Anybody in a mobile home?

    Well I'm in almost the same situation. I'm getting married and moving into one until we can get a house. I've got a 58 plus 3 gallon refuge. I think as long as you put the tank perpendicular to the floor joists you'll be ok. Just make sure the tank is very level and that it is resting across a...
  9. jferrier

    dirty sand bottom

    Maybe consider a fuge. I've tried snails of all sorts, crabs, brittle stars, horseshoe crabs, and all helped, but total algea erradication didn't happen for me until I added a refugium. I still get some on the glass, but it scrapes clean and doesn't seem to accumulate on the bottom.
  10. jferrier

    live rock surprises

    Just interested in hearing what hitchhikers you've come across or what creatures mysteriously show up in your tank? Also any corals that have popped up that you didn't notice before.
  11. jferrier

    entacmaea quadricolor

    I've seen bta referred to as rose, tonga green, and brown on various retail websites. Anyone had better luck w/ one particular description than another?
  12. jferrier

    Opinion needed

    Yeah I'm in agreement with the rest of the crowd. 10 is too small. Also I'm not so sure hiding places makes a difference to a clownfish anyways. Mine won't even dart under a rock when I'm trying to net him. I've noticed that while all my fish seek the shelter of the liverock when the lights go...
  13. jferrier

    acclimate grape caulerpa

    I wouldn't worry about acclimating it personally. Like the one guy said it would probably grow in the toilet. I took some out of my roomates refugium and washed the hair algae off with tap water and threw it straight into the refuge and its growing like wildfire. I just have a plain old...
  14. jferrier

    One of my clown fish isn't eating?

    Your little guy may be the same gender as the big one I thought clown fish were hemaphroditic, and the larger of a pair always became the female? My true perc goes wild over live brine shrimp, but also eats seaweed,mysis shrimp, and theres a great frozen omnivore mix you can get also. How...
  15. jferrier

    live foods

    Right. I was just wondering how many people cultured more than just what naturally developed out of their live rock?
  16. jferrier

    Worst marine failure?

    Ouch! I've always been afraid of that happening. I haven't ever totally lost everything, but I did lose all my fish once for reasons still unknown to me. Water parameters were all within recommendations. Nothing like you had, just a couple clowns, a mandarin, and a yellow tang.
  17. jferrier

    live foods

    Does anyone intentionally raise feeder foods within your system? brine shrimp, etc.
  18. jferrier

    anybody's anemone ever eat their clown?

    Condy don't usually host..and they move around alot knocking stuff over or find their way into an outflow pipe. Try a sebae or bubble tip. I've had wonderful luck w/ my bubble tip and my roomate had great luck w/ a sebae. I feed my bubble raw shrimp pieces soaked in kent zoe maybe once every 2...
  19. jferrier

    Worst marine failure?

    And why didn't you quit?
  20. jferrier

    Does size matter?

    What's your number of fish per gallon? Largest fish?