Search results

  1. jferrier

    Is 9000 watts really necessary?

    Well not quite 9000 watts, but lots of people in here have 300 plus watts on setups as small as 55 gals. I've only got around 175 watts 1/2 actinic and 1/2 white lights and everything has been doing great for quite a while now. What are everyones watt per gallon ratio and what corals do you have?
  2. jferrier

    how big of a tank will i need for these fish?

    Hey you sound like my roomate. He's pushing the brink of overload in his tank now and has a few of the same fish you mentioned .His latest addition of 3 firefish became expensive fish food. You have to think, lots of these fish aren't tank raised, and in their natural environment are never as...
  3. jferrier

    lighting Reef Tank

    I've read anywhere from 8-16 for vho or pc and 5 to 8 for metal halides. I personally have about 150 watts of power compact 1/2 actinic and 1/2 white on a 58 gallon on a 10 hr. time. I had it set for 12 hrs but noticed that after about 9 1/2 hrs some of my corals started to close up even though...
  4. jferrier

    anemone question

    the lr and ls amounts would probably due. Just make sure there are holes or other dark spots for the bubble because they prefer their base in a dark space where they can reach out and extend toward the light.
  5. jferrier

    anemone question

    I'm not sure the max size, but most I've seen are no bigger than about 6" in dia. There won't be any problem w/ members of a cleanup crew and anemones. Assuming you mean shrimp, crabs, snails and such. Other anemones however or any stinging type of coral could be a problem in such a small...
  6. jferrier

    anemone question

    I agree bubble tips are an excellent choice. Condys move too much and end up knocking stuff over or stuck in your power head intake. Sebaes are fairly difficult to keep but do make good hosts for most clowns. My first bubble tip has survived when everything else was crashing. It recently got...
  7. jferrier

    how long was your cycle?

    definately wait till the cycle is over. Cycle time can vary greatly. My first setup from scratch took almost 1-1/2 months to cycle. My second which used about 30 lbs lr from the first setup and 1/2 live aragonite from the store mixed w/ 1/2 of my first sand bed took less than 2 weeks. I began...
  8. jferrier

    bristle worms bad??

    bristle worms are beneficial in that they will burrow through your sand bed and create tunnels that allow oxygen to discourage the growth of anaerobic bacterias.
  9. jferrier

    Frogspawn question

    Well my temp. at night runs about 75-77 and during the day 79-82. My ph tests from 8.2 to 8.4 but most of the time 8.4 I thought 8.2 to 8.4 was an acceptable range. Nothing else in my tank seems to be having any problems. I've noticed my large peppermint hanging around it alot, and sometimes...
  10. jferrier

    Frogspawn question

    While your on the frogspawn subject... somedays mine extends out really nicely but 75% of the time when the lights are on its not completely closed up, but just barely extending its tentacles. I got a branch from my roomate and his old frag extends constantly. My ammonia and nitrates are ok and...
  11. jferrier


    Wow double huh? They are a bit higher but I've never seen double! I got a nice used 58 gallon w/ stand and a 4 bulb powercompact there for $230. So maybe one guy gave you some untrue advice, but on the whole they always seem far more knowledgeable than the all the others I've been to. Anyhow...
  12. jferrier


    Hey Dallasites! I've gotten the best advice from DNA. Their prices are usually a bit higher, but I would definately talk to them first. I went in the other day and the owner happened to be working the floor and I learned so much from him in 5 minutes. He recommended products that were better...
  13. jferrier

    Putting a reef in a bar?

    I think it could be done. It would cost a fortune though.I would imagine you would need some air filter louvers for between the tank walls and club space. And if you put it on a separate slab w/ expansion joints between the tank slab and the floor slab it should minimize any vibrations. I would...
  14. jferrier

    HeLP!! Anemone anarchy!

    Well after talking to a knowledgeable person at the lfs I think maybe war was the answer. Thanks folks. I had them more than 3' ft apart but I guess the first guy didn't want another contender for his clown. The second was a long tentacle and I'm going to trade him back for a bubble and see how...
  15. jferrier

    HeLP!! Anemone anarchy!

    Well theres not much to take pics of. Both are shriveled up and about 1/4 their original size. I don't know why they would fight. I see tanks full of anemones in the store all the time and they never do damage like this to each other. I just wonder if the new guy had anemone hiv or some funky...
  16. jferrier

    HeLP!! Anemone anarchy!

    Ok. Yesterday I witnessed the aftermath of the most bizarre event yet in my little saltwater world. I have (had?) a buble tip for almost a year now that has always done really well. I recently moved him to my 58 gallon and he found a suitable spot right away and had been there for almost 2...
  17. jferrier

    anemone id resources?

    Just bought a new anemone. Not sure what it is. Anyone know of any good websites or books w/ pics and ids? I was told it was a bubble tip but its not. I thought at first it might be a condy, but its arms don't look long enough. It has an orange base and a tint of flourescent green in its arms.
  18. jferrier

    Have A Question...copper In Tank

    YOUR SUCH A CAP REBEL !!! You should be kicked off the internet forever for using such bad etiquette. In fact I'm thinknig of suing you for causing my eyes to go bad!
  19. jferrier

    Anyone tried argocrete?

    I originally got the idea from the garf site, but they just say use grade 2 or 3 portland cement (which is just regular portland cement.) Those of you that have done this before did you check your parameters and what species did you have in your tank? Did you use "white" or regular cement? I...
  20. jferrier

    Anyone tried argocrete?

    I've never heard of "white" cement. Neither had the guy at home depot (but then again those guys never seem to no anything) I've found portland cement and it looks white but will it actually say white on the packaging? Thanks for the info.